December 18, 2014 From rOpenSci ( Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the CC-BY license.
rOpenSci specializes in creating R libraries for accessing data resources on the web from R. Most times you request data from the web in R with our packages, you should have no problem. However, you evenutally will run into problems. In addition, there are advanced things you can do modifying requests to web resources that fall in the advanced stuff category.
Underlying almost all of our packages are requests to web resources served over the http
protocol via curl. curl
is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting (lots of protocols) . curl
has many options that you may not know about.
I’ll go over some of the common and less commonly used curl options, and try to explain why you may want to use some of them.
You can go to the source, that is the curl manual page at In R: RCurl::listCurlOptions()
for finding curl options, give website for more info and equivalent call in httr
is httr::httr_options()
. httr::httr_options()
gives more information for each curl option, including the libcurl variable name (e.g., CURLOPT_CERTINFO
) and the type of variable (e.g., logical).
Perhaps the canonical way to use curl is on the command line. You can get curl for your operating system at, though hopefully you already have curl. Once you have curl, you can have lots of fun. For example, get the contents of the Google landing page:
is jq.Note: if you are on windows you may require extra setup if you want to play with curl on the command line. OSX and linux have it by default. On Windows 8, installing the latest version from here worked for me.
is a dependency, so you’ll get it when you installhttr
There are some new features in httr
dev version you may want. If so, do:
Load httr
With httr
you can either set globally for an R session like
set_config(timeout(seconds = 2))
Or use with_config()
with_config(verbose(), {
Or extensions to with_*
, like for verbose
#> Response []
#> Date: 2014-12-17 07:54
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
#> Size: 19.3 kB
#> <!doctype html><html itemscope="" itemtype="" l...
#> function _gjh(){!_gjuc()&&{id:"GJH"},f...
#> if (!iesg){document.f&&document.f.q.focus();document.gbqf&&document.gbqf...
#> }
#> })();</script><div id="mngb"> <div id=gbar><nobr><b class=gb1>Search</...
#> a.i.Z,window.gbar.elr&&a.i.$(window.gbar.elr()),window.gbar.elc&&window....
#> });})();</script> </div> </span><br clear="all" id="lgpd"><div id="lga">...
#> });})();</script></div></div><span id="footer"><div style="font-size:10p...
Or pass into each function call
GET("", query=list(q="httr"), timeout(seconds = 0.5))
With RCurl
you can set options for a function call by passing curl options to the .opts
getForm("", btnG="Search", .opts = list( = 20))
For all examples below I’ll use httr
, and pass in config options to function calls.
In most of our packages we allow you to pass in any curl options, either via ...
or a named parameter. We are increasingly making our packages consistent, but they may not all have this ability yet. For example, using the rgbif
package, an R client for GBIF:
verbose output
res <- occ_search(geometry=c(-125.0,38.4,-121.8,40.9), limit=20, config=verbose())
#> -> GET /v1/occurrence/search?geometry=POLYGON%28%28-125%2038.4%2C%20-121.8%2038.4%2C%20-121.8%2040.9%2C%20-125%2040.9%2C%20-125%2038.4%29%29&limit=20&offset=0 HTTP/1.1
#> -> User-Agent: curl/7.37.1 Rcurl/ httr/0.6.0
#> -> Host:
#> -> Accept-Encoding: gzip
#> -> Accept: application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*
#> ->
#> <- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
#> <- Content-Type: application/json
#> <- Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
#> <- Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
#> <- x-api-url: /v1/occurrence/search?geometry=POLYGON%28%28-125%2038.4%2C%20-121.8%2038.4%2C%20-121.8%2040.9%2C%20-125%2040.9%2C%20-125%2038.4%29%29&limit=20&offset=0
#> <- Content-Length: 48698
#> <- Accept-Ranges: bytes
#> <- Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 23:35:52 GMT
#> <- X-Varnish: 1067986052 1067940827
#> <- Age: 209
#> <- Via: 1.1 varnish
#> <- Connection: keep-alive
#> <-
Print progress
res <- occ_search(geometry=c(-125.0,38.4,-121.8,40.9), limit=20, config=progress())
#> |===================================================================| 100%
You can also combine curl options - use c()
in this case to combine them
c(verbose(), progress())
#> Config:
#> List of 4
#> $ debugfunction :function (...)
#> $ verbose :TRUE
#> $ noprogress :FALSE
#> $ progressfunction:function (...)
res <- occ_search(geometry=c(-125.0,38.4,-121.8,40.9), limit=20, config=c(verbose(), progress()))
#> -> GET /v1/occurrence/search?geometry=POLYGON%28%28-125%2038.4%2C%20-121.8%2038.4%2C%20-121.8%2040.9%2C%20-125%2040.9%2C%20-125%2038.4%29%29&limit=20&offset=0 HTTP/1.1
#> -> User-Agent: curl/7.37.1 Rcurl/ httr/0.6.0
#> -> Host:
#> -> Accept-Encoding: gzip
#> -> Accept: application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*
#> ->
#> <- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
#> <- Content-Type: application/json
#> <- Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
#> <- Server: Jetty(9.1.z-SNAPSHOT)
#> <- x-api-url: /v1/occurrence/search?geometry=POLYGON%28%28-125%2038.4%2C%20-121.8%2038.4%2C%20-121.8%2040.9%2C%20-125%2040.9%2C%20-125%2038.4%29%29&limit=20&offset=0
#> <- Content-Length: 48698
#> <- Accept-Ranges: bytes
#> <- Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 23:35:52 GMT
#> <- X-Varnish: 1067986052 1067940827
#> <- Age: 209
#> <- Via: 1.1 varnish
#> <- Connection: keep-alive
#> <-
#> |======================================================================| 100%
Set a timeout for a request. If request exceeds timeout, request stops.
: timeout(seconds=2)
Here, the value is in seconds - converted to ms internallyRCurl
Here, the value is in msNote: For this section and those following, I’ll mention an
equivalent if there is one.
GET("", timeout(0.01))
#> Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) :
#> Connection timed out after 16 milliseconds
Print detailed info on a curl call
: verbose()
: verbose=TRUE
Just do a HEAD
request so we don’t have to deal with big output
HEAD("", verbose())
#> -> HEAD / HTTP/1.1
#> -> User-Agent: curl/7.37.1 Rcurl/ httr/0.6.0
#> -> Host:
#> -> Accept-Encoding: gzip
#> -> Accept: application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*
#> ->
#> <- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
#> <- X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.6
#> <- Content-type: text/html
#> <- Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 21:03:21 GMT
#> <- Server: LiteSpeed
#> <- Connection: Keep-Alive
#> <- Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
#> <-
#> Response []
#> Date: 2014-12-16 12:29
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: text/html
Add headers to modify requests, including authentication, setting content-type, accept type, etc.
: add_headers()
: httpheader
res <- HEAD("", add_headers(Accept = "application/json"))
#> Accept
#> "application/json"
Note: there are shortcuts for
add_headers(Accept = "application/json")
and add_headers(Accept = “application/xml”):accept_json()
, andaccept_xml()
makes including them quite easy. Headers are nice too because e.g., passing authentication in the header instead of the URL string means your private data is not as exposed to prying eyes.Set authentication details for a resource
: authenticate()
, oauth2.0_token()
, oauth_app()
, oauth_endpoint()
, etc.RCurl
: variousauthenticate()
for basic username/password authentication
authenticate(user = "foo", password = "bar")
#> Config:
#> List of 2
#> $ httpauth:1
#> ..- attr(*, "names")="basic"
#> $ userpwd :"foo:bar"
To use an API key, this depends on the data provider. They may request it one or either of the header (in multiple different ways)
HEAD("", add_headers(Authorization = "Bearer 234kqhrlj2342"))
# or
HEAD("", add_headers("token" = "234kqhrlj2342"))
or as a query parameter (which is passed in the URL string)
HEAD("", query = list(api_key = "<your key>"))
Another authentication options is OAuth workflows. OAuth2
is probably more commonly used than OAuth1
endpts <- oauth_endpoint(authorize = "authorize", access = "access_token", base_url = "")
myapp <- oauth_app(appname = "github", key = "<key>", secret = "<secret>")
github_token <- oauth2.0_token(endpts, myapp)
gtoken <- config(token = github_token)
req <- GET("", gtoken)
Set or get cookies.
: set_cookies()
, cookies()
: cookie
Set cookies
GET("", set_cookies(a = 1, b = 2))
#> Response []
#> Date: 2014-12-17 07:54
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Size: 50 B
#> {
#> "cookies": {
#> "a": "1",
#> "b": "2"
#> }
If there are cookies in a response, you can access them easily with cookies()
res <- GET("", query = list(a = 1, b = 2))
#> $b
#> [1] 2
#> $a
#> [1] 1
Print curl progress
: progress()
: progressfunction
res <- GET("", progress())
#> |==================================| 100%
When behind a proxy, give authentiction details for your proxy.
: use_proxy()
: See various curl options that start with proxy
GET("", use_proxy(url = "", port = 80, username = "username", password = "password"))
Some resources require a user-agent string.
: user_agent()
: useragent
Get the default user agent set if using httr
#> Response []
#> Date: 2014-12-17 07:54
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Size: 59 B
#> {
#> "user-agent": "curl/7.37.1 Rcurl/ httr/0.6.0"
Set a user agent string
GET("", user_agent("its me!"))
#> Response []
#> Date: 2014-12-17 07:54
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Size: 29 B
#> {
#> "user-agent": "its me!"
Let us know if you have any questions. To a curl
newbie, it may seem a bit overwhelming, but we’re here to help.