August 31, 2017 From rOpenSci ( Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the CC-BY license.
Are you thinking about submitting a package to rOpenSci’s open peer software review? Considering volunteering to review for the first time? Maybe you’re an experienced package author or reviewer and have ideas about how we can improve.
Join our Community Call on Wednesday, September 13th. We want to get your feedback and we’d love to answer your questions!
Andee Kaplan is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Duke University. She is a recent PhD graduate from the Iowa State University Department of Statistics, where she learned a lot about R and reproducibility by developing a class on data stewardship for Agronomists. Andee has reviewed multiple (two!) packages for rOpenSci, iheatmapr
and getlandsat
, and hopes to one day be on the receiving end of the review process.
Noam Ross is one of rOpenSci’s four editors for software peer review. Noam is a Senior Research Scientist at EcoHealth Alliance in New York, specializing in mathematical modeling of disease outbreaks, as well as training and standards for data science and reproducibility. Noam earned his Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of California-Davis, where he founded the Davis R Users’ Group.