June 13, 2019 From rOpenSci (https://deploy-preview-119--ropensci.netlify.app/blog/2019/06/13/commcall-jun2019/). Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the CC-BY license.
rOpenSci’s community is increasingly international and multilingual. While we have operated primarily in English, we now receive submissions of packages from authors whose primary language is not. As we expand our community in this way, we want to learn from the experience of other organizations. How can we manage our peer-review process and open-source projects to be welcoming to non-native English speakers?
Our guest speakers will include:
The call will be moderated by Melina Vidoni, an associate editor for rOpenSci software peer review. There will be 20 minutes for Q & A following the presentations.
We want to hear from you!
What has been useful or not useful in building mutlilingual communities and projects you have been involved in?
In what ways is language a barrier to your becoming more involved with organizations like rOpenSci?
Add your comments below and we’ll organize our panel questions and topics around your contributions and questions.
🎤 See speaker bios below.
🕘 Friday, June 28th, 2-3 PM PDT (☎️ Find details to join the Call. Everyone is welcome. No RSVP needed.
🎥 After the Call, we’ll post the video and notes from the Q & A.