Spatial Gaps in Global Biodiversity Information and the Role of Citizen Science |
2016 |
Amano et al. |
BioScience |
rgbif |
A botanical inventory of forest on karstic limestone and metamorphic substrate in the Chiquibul Forest, Belize, with focus on woody taxa |
2015 |
Baden et al. |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
taxize |
Biodiversity ensures plant-pollinator phenological synchrony against climate change |
2013 |
Bartomeus et al. |
Ecol Lett |
rgbif |
Discovering and developing primary biodiversity data from social networking sites: A novel approach |
2014 |
Barve |
Ecological Informatics |
rgbif |
Retrieving taxa names from large biodiversity data collections using a flexible matching workflow |
2015 |
Vanden Berghe et al. |
Ecological Informatics |
taxize |
TR8: an R package for easily retrieving plant species traits |
2015 |
Bocci |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
taxize |
A macro-ecological perspective on crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) photosynthesis evolution in Afro-Madagascan drylands: Eulophiinae orchids as a case study |
2015 |
Bone et al. |
New Phytol |
rgbif |
Near real time weather and ocean model data access with rNOMADS |
2015 |
Bowman & Lees |
Computers & Geosciences |
rnoaa |
Beyond species-specific assessments: an analysis and validation of environmental distance metrics for non-indigenous species risk assessment |
2015 |
Bradie et al. |
Biological Invasions |
taxize |
A preliminary inventory of the catfishes of the lower Rio Nhamundá, Brazil (Ostariophysi, Siluriformes |
2015 |
Collins et al. |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
rgbif |
Co-extinction in a host-parasite network: identifying key hosts for network stability |
2015 |
Dallas & Cornelius |
Scientific Reports |
helminthR |
The changing patterns of plant naturalization in Australia |
2015 |
Dodd et al. |
Diversity Distrib |
taxize |
R for all (I): Introduction to the new age of biological analyses |
2013 |
Drozd & Šipoš |
Casopis Slezskeho Zemskeho Muzea A |
rgbif, rdryad, rfisheries, RMendeley, treeBASE, rfishbase, taxize, rsnsps, rvertnet, rentrez |
Synthesis and comparative analysis of physiological tolerance and life-history growth traits of marine aquaculture species |
2016 |
Froehlich et al. |
Aquaculture |
rfishbase |
taxize: taxonomic search and retrieval in R |
2013 |
Chamberlain & Szöcs |
F1000Research |
taxize |
2016 |
Hartgerink et al. |
PeerJ |
rplos |
Comparative genomics in the Asteraceae reveals little evidence for parallel evolutionary change in invasive taxa |
2015 |
Hodgins et al. |
Mol Ecol |
taxize |
SDMdata: A Web-Based Software Tool for Collecting Species Occurrence Records |
2015 |
Kong et al. |
rgbif |
Data integration in biological research: an overview |
2015 |
Lapatas et al. |
J of Biol Res-Thessaloniki |
taxize |
A pharyngeal jaw evolutionary innovation facilitated extinction in Lake Victoria cichlids |
2015 |
McGee et al. |
Science |
rfishbase |
camtrapR: an R package for efficient camera trap data management |
2016 |
Niedballa et al. |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
taxize |
NoSQL Data Model for Semi-automatic Integration of Ethnomedicinal Plant Data from Multiple Sources |
2014 |
Ningthoujam et al. |
Phytochemical Analysis |
taxize |
Dataset of Passerine bird communities in a Mediterranean high mountain (Sierra Nevada, Spain |
2016 |
Pérez-Luque et al. |
ZK |
taxize |
The macroevolution of climatic niches and its role in ant diversification |
2016 |
Ecological Entomology |
AntWeb |
Evolutionarily Stable Strategies for Fecundity and Swimming Speed of Fish |
2016 |
Plank et al. |
Bull Math Biol |
rfishbase |
Best publishing practices to improve user confidence in scientific software |
2015 |
Poisot |
taxize |
Are all species necessary to reveal ecologically important patterns? |
2014 |
Pos et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
taxize |
How predation shaped fish: the impact of fin spines on body form evolution across teleosts |
2015 |
Price et al. |
Proc. R. Soc. B |
rfishbase |
Australian acacias as invasive species: lessons to be learnt from regions with long planting histories |
2015 |
Richardson et al. |
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science |
rgbif |
Non-native species modify the isotopic structure of freshwater fish communities across the globe |
2015 |
Sagouis et al. |
Ecography |
rfishbase |
Adaptive plasticity and niche expansion in an invasive thistle |
2015 |
Turner et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
rgbif |
paleobioDB: an R package for downloading, visualizing and processing data from the Paleobiology Database |
2014 |
Varela et al. |
Ecography |
paleobioDB |
Variation in trait trade-offs allows differentiation among predefined plant functional types: implications for predictive ecology |
2015 |
Verheijen et al. |
New Phytol |
rgbif |
Some thoughts on best publishing practices for scientific software |
2015 |
White |
rplos |
speciesgeocodeR: An R package for linking species occurrences, user-defined regions and phylogenetic trees for biogeography, ecology and evolution |
2015 |
Zizka & Antonelli |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rgbif |
Pulmonary Artery Denervation Reduces Pulmonary Artery Pressure and Induces Histological Changes in an Acute Porcine Model of Pulmonary Hypertension |
2015 |
Rothman et al. |
Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions |
plotly |
Long-lasting effects of land use history on soil fungal communities in second-growth tropical rain forests |
2016 |
Bachelot et al. |
Ecol Appl |
taxize |
Tracking the history of an invasion: the freshwater croakers (Teleostei: Sciaenidae) in South America |
2014 |
Boeger et al. |
Zool Scr |
rfishbase |
Prestoration: using species in restoration that will persist now and into the future |
2016 |
Butterfield et al. |
Restoration Ecology |
rgbif |
Niche dynamics of alien species do not differ among sexual and apomictic flowering plants |
2015 |
Dellinger et al. |
New Phytol |
rgbif |
Late Quaternary vegetation dynamics from central parts of the Madeira River in Brazil |
2015 |
Feitosa et al. |
Acta Botanica Brasilica |
rgbif |
Climatological correlates of seed size in Amazonian forest trees |
2015 |
Malhado et al. |
Journal of Vegetation Science |
rgbif |
A trait-based metric sheds new light on the nature of the body size-depth relationship in the deep sea |
2016 |
Mindel et al. |
J Anim Ecol |
rfishbase |
Evolutionary Origin of the Scombridae (Tunas and Mackerels): Members of a Paleogene Adaptive Radiation with 14 Other Pelagic Fish Families |
2013 |
Miya et al. |
rfishbase |
Dataset of Phenology of Mediterranean high-mountain meadows flora (Sierra Nevada, Spain |
2015 |
Pérez-Luque et al. |
PhytoKeys |
taxize |
Synthetic datasets and community tools for the rapid testing of ecological hypotheses |
2015 |
Poisot et al. |
Ecography |
taxize |
Phylogenetic insights into the history and diversification of fishes on reefs |
2015 |
Price et al. |
Coral Reefs |
rfishbase |
geoknife: reproducible web-processing of large gridded datasets |
2015 |
Read et al. |
Ecography |
ropensci, paleobioDB |
Climate seasonality limits leaf carbon assimilation and wood productivity in tropical forests |
2016 |
Wagner et al. |
Biogeosciences |
taxize |
Evolutionary signals of symbiotic persistence in the legume–rhizobia mutualism |
2015 |
Werner et al. |
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA |
rgbif |
Biogeo: an R package for assessing and improving data quality of occurrence record datasets |
2016 |
Robertson et al. |
Ecography |
rgbif |
Phylogenetic systematics of leaffishes - Teleostei: Polycentridae, Nandidae |
2015 |
Collins et al. |
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research |
rfishbase |
Global assessment of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus diversity reveals very low endemism |
2015 |
Davison et al. |
Science |
rgbif |
Pollen assemblage richness does not reflect regional plant species richness: a cautionary tale |
2013 |
Goring et al. |
Journal of Ecology |
ritis |
Dynamics of Near-Coastal Fish Assemblages following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Northern Gulf of Mexico |
2015 |
Schaefer et al. |
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
rfishbase |
MonoPhy : a simple R package to find and visualize monophyly issues |
2016 |
Schwery & O’Meara |
PeerJ Computer Science |
taxize |
A quantitative synthesis of the importance of variables used in MaxEnt species distribution models |
2016 |
Bradie & Leung |
Journal of Biogeography |
taxize |
Taxonomic similarity, more than contact opportunity, explains novel plant-pathogen associations between native and alien taxa |
2016 |
Bufford et al. |
New Phytol |
taxize |
Semi-Automated Identification of Ontological Labels in the Biomedical Literature with goldi |
2016 |
Cole et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
pdftools |
Measures of biologically relevant environmental heterogeneity improve prediction of regional plant species richness |
2016 |
Cramer & Verboom |
Journal of Biogeography |
taxize |
Plant Distribution Data Show Broader Climatic Limits than Expert-Based Climatic Tolerance Estimates |
2016 |
Curtis & Bradley |
rgbif |
A simple automated system for appetitive conditioning of zebrafish in their home tanks |
2017 |
Doyle et al. |
Behavioural Brain Research |
plotly |
Climate change will increase the naturalization risk from garden plants in Europe |
2016 |
Dullinger et al. |
Global Ecol |
rgbif |
MetacodeR: An R package for manipulation and heat tree visualization of community taxonomic data from metabarcoding |
2016 |
Foster et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
taxize |
Is citizen science an open science in the case of biodiversity observations? |
2016 |
Groom et al. |
Journal of Applied Ecology |
rgbif |
Using evolutionary tools to search for novel psychoactive plants |
2016 |
Halse-Gramkow et al. |
Plant Genetic Resources |
taxize |
Climate Warming and Seasonal Precipitation Change Interact to Limit Species Distribution Shifts across Western North America |
2016 |
Harsch & HilleRisLambers |
geonames |
Temporal course of gene expression during motor memory formation in primary motor cortex of rats |
2016 |
Hertler et al. |
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory |
plotly |
A study of institutional spending on open access publication fees in Germany |
2016 |
Jahn & Tullney |
PeerJ |
rcrossref |
Evolutionary dynamics and biogeography of Musaceae reveal a correlation between the diversification of the banana family and the geological and climatic history of Southeast Asia |
2016 |
Janssens et al. |
New Phytol |
rgbif |
Using the Crossref Metadata API to explore publisher content |
2016 |
Lammey |
Sci Ed |
rcrossref, ropensci |
Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests |
2016 |
Liang et al. |
Science |
taxize |
The Propensity to Cycle Tool: An open source online system for sustainable transport planning |
2015 |
Lovelace et al. |
arXiv |
stplanr |
Knowledge Dissemination of Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Studies Measured Using Alternative Metrics Results From a Scoping Review |
2016 |
Madden et al. |
Journal of Interpersonal Violence |
rAltmetric |
Analysis of infection biomarkers within a Bayesian framework reveals their role in pneumococcal pneumonia diagnosis in HIV patients |
2016 |
Meyer |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
plotly |
rotl: an R package to interact with the Open Tree of Life data |
2016 |
Michonneau et al. |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
rotl, traits |
Growth rings in tropical trees: role of functional traits, environment, and phylogeny |
2016 |
Nath et al. |
Trees |
taxize |
Open Source Molecular Modeling |
2016 |
Pirhadi et al. |
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling |
webchem |
Adaptive evolution of seed oil content in angiosperms: accounting for the global patterns of seed oils |
2016 |
Sanyal & Decocq |
BMC Evolutionary Biology |
rgbif |
Genome size variation and species diversity in salamander families |
2016 |
Sclavi & Herrick |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
taxize |
Ciência Política na era do Big Data: automação na coleta de dados digitais |
2015 |
Silva & Meireles |
Politica Hoje |
RSelenium |
Waking the undead: implications of a soft explosive model for the timing of placental mammal diversification |
2016 |
Springer et al. |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
paleobioDB |
CARMA revisited: an updated database of carbon dioxide emissions from power plants worldwide |
2012 |
Ummel |
Center for Global Development Working Paper |
geonames |
Light enough to travel or wise enough to stay? Brain size evolution and migratory behaviour in birds |
2016 |
Vincze |
Evolution |
taxize |
A review of software tools for spell-checking taxon names in vegetation databases |
2016 |
Wagner |
Journal of Vegetation Science |
taxize |
tigris: An R Package to Access and Work with Geographic Data from the US Census Bureau |
in press |
Walker |
The R Journal |
plotly |
Foliar nectar enhances plant–mite mutualisms: the effect of leaf sugar on the control of powdery mildew by domatia-inhabiting mites |
2016 |
Weber et al. |
Annals of Botany |
taxize |
Achievements and challenges in the integration, reuse and synthesis of vegetation plot data |
2016 |
Wiser |
Journal of Vegetation Science |
taxize |
BETYdb: a yield, trait, and ecosystem service database applied to second‐generation bioenergy feedstock production |
2017 |
LeBauer et al. |
GCB Bioenergy |
traits |
RAINBIO: a mega-database of tropical African vascular plants distributions |
2016 |
Gilles et al. |
PhytoKeys |
rgbif |
Despite phylogenetic effects, C3-C4 lineages bridge the ecological gap to C4 photosynthesis |
2016 |
Lundgren & Christin |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
rgbif |
Comparing genome versus proteome-based identification of clinical bacterial isolates |
2016 |
Galata et al. |
Briefings in Bioinformatics |
taxize |
Phenological shifts in hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae): linking measurement and mechanism |
2016 |
Hassall et al. |
Ecography |
bold |
The Tao of open science for ecology |
2015 |
Hampton et al. |
Ecosphere |
rentrez |
Integrative Computational and Experimental Approaches to Establish a Post-Myocardial Infarction Knowledge Map |
2014 |
Nguyen et al. |
PLoS Computational Biology |
rentrez |
Do method and species lifestyle affect measures of maximum metabolic rate in fishes? |
2016 |
Killen et al. |
Journal of Fish Biology |
rotl |
Species interactions in occurrence data for a community of tick-transmitted pathogens |
2016 |
Estrada-Peña & Fuente |
Scientific Data |
rotl |
The Quality of Citations: Towards Quantifying Qualitative Impact in Social Science Research |
2016 |
Bauer et al. |
fulltext, rcrossref |
Environmental Correlation Analysis for Genes Associated with Protection against Malaria |
2016 |
Mackinnon et al. |
Molecular Biology and Evolution |
rsnps |
Visualizing GeoData with R |
2016 |
Kolb |
Austrian Journal of Statistics |
geonames |
CARMA Revisited: An Updated Database of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plants Worldwide |
2012 |
Ummel |
CGD Working Paper |
geonames |
Elevation alters ecosystem properties across temperate treelines globally |
2017 |
Mayor et al. |
Nature |
brranching |
BIOMASS: An R Package for estimating aboveground biomass and its uncertainty in tropical forests |
2017 |
Réjou-Méchain et al. |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
taxize |
Modelling the effects of environmental conditions on the acoustic occurrence and behaviour of Antarctic blue whales |
2017 |
Shabangu et al. |
rerddap |
Fish diversity in tidepools: assembling effects of environmental heterogeneity |
2017 |
Bezerra et al. |
Environmental Biology of Fishes |
rfishbase |
Spatial distribution of environmental DNA in a nearshore marine habitat |
2017 |
O’Donnell et al. |
PeerJ |
taxize |
Shotgun metagenomic sequencing reveals freshwater beach sands as reservoir of bacterial pathogens |
2017 |
Mohiuddin et al. |
Water Research |
taxize |
Single locus genotyping to track Leishmania donovani in the Indian subcontinent: Application in Nepal |
2017 |
Rai et al. |
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases |
rgbif |
Biomonitoring of marine vertebrates in Monterey Bay using eDNA metabarcoding |
2017 |
Andruszkiewicz et al. |
taxize |
Adaptive sequence evolution is driven by biotic stress in a pair of orchid species (Dactylorhiza) with distinct ecological optima |
2017 |
Balao et al. |
Molecular Ecology |
rgbif |
red - an R package to facilitate species red list assessments according to the IUCN criteria |
2017 |
Cardoso |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
rredlist |
Habitat filtering not dispersal limitation shapes oceanic island floras: species assembly of the Galápagos archipelago |
2017 |
Carvajal-Endara et al. |
Ecology Letters |
rgbif |
Ex situ conservation of plant diversity in the world’s botanic gardens |
2017 |
Mounce et al. |
Nature Plants |
rgbif |
Challenging a bioinformatic tool’s ability to detect microbial contaminants using in silico whole genome sequencing data |
2017 |
Olson et al. |
PeerJ |
taxize |
The role of trait combination in the conspicuousness of fruit display among bird-dispersed plants |
2017 |
Ordano et al. |
Functional Ecology |
taxize |
Aligning marine species range data to better serve science and conservation |
2017 |
O’Hara et al. |
worrms |
The National Eutrophication Survey: lake characteristics and historical nutrient concentrations |
2017 |
Stachelek et al. |
Earth System Science Data Discussions |
magick, tesseract |
A global database on freshwater fish species occurrence in drainage basins |
2017 |
Tedesco et al. |
Scientific Data |
rfishbase |
Genome size in arthropods: different roles of phylogeny, habitat and life history in insects and crustaceans |
2017 |
Alfsnes et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
rgbif, spocc |
On the inconsistency of pollinator species traits for predicting either response to land-use change or functional contribution |
2017 |
Bartomeus et al. |
Oikos |
taxize |
On the inconsistency of pollinator species traits for predicting either response to agricultural intensification or functional contribution |
2016 |
Bartomeus et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
taxize |
R Python, and Ruby clients for GBIF species occurrence data |
2017 |
Chamberlain & Boettiger |
PeerJ Preprints |
rgbif |
The Spine of American Law: Digital Text Analysis and US Legal Practice |
2017 |
Funk & Mullen |
The American Historical Review |
textreuse |
Assessing author self-citation as a mechanism of relevant knowledge diffusion |
2017 |
Gálvez |
Scientometrics |
rplos |
bomrang: Fetch Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Data in R |
2017 |
Sparks et al. |
The Journal of Open Source Software |
bomrang |
Using the 'rentrez' R Package to Identify Repository Records for NCBI LinkOut |
1279 |
Lee et al. |
Code4lib Journal |
rentrez, ropensci |
A quantitative-PCR based method to estimate ranavirus viral load following normalisation by reference to an ultraconserved vertebrate target |
2017 |
Leung et al. |
Journal of Virological Methods |
taxize |
A quantitative and statistical biological comparison of three semi-enclosed seas |
2017 |
Ludt et al. |
Marine Biodiversity |
rgbif |
Taxonomic bias in animal behaviour publications |
2017 |
Rosenthal et al. |
Animal Behaviour |
taxize |
Content Analysis of Scholarly Discussions of Psychological Academic Articles on Facebook |
2017 |
Na & Ye |
Online Information Review |
rAltmetric |
Genome-Scale Architecture of Small Molecule Regulatory Networks and the Fundamental Trade-Off between Regulation and Enzymatic Activity |
2017 |
Reznik et al. |
Cell Reports |
taxize |
Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS): Building a data-driven framework to inform policy |
2017 |
Vanderhoeven et al. |
Research Ideas and Outcomes |
rgbif, spocc |
A distribution and taxonomic reference dataset of Geranium in the New World |
2017 |
Aedo & Pando |
Scientific Data |
rgbif |
Amazon plant diversity revealed by a taxonomically verified species list |
2017 |
Cardoso et al. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
rgbif |
Barriers to globally invasive species are weakening across the Antarctic |
2017 |
Duffy et al. |
Diversity and Distributions |
rgbif |
Trait shifts associated with the subshrub life-history strategy in a tropical savanna |
2017 |
Giroldo et al. |
Oecologia |
brranching |
How is R cited in research outputs? Structure, impacts, and citation standard |
2017 |
Li et al. |
Journal of Informetrics |
rplos |
Environmental correlates of biome-level floristic turnover in South Africa |
2017 |
Power et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
taxize |
Quantifying the influence of urban land use on mangrove biology and ecology: A meta-analysis |
2017 |
Branoff |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
taxize |
The Future Species of Anthropocene Seas |
2017 |
Dulvy & Kindsvater |
Conservation for the Anthropocene Ocean |
rfishbase |
Multilocus phylogeny and statistical biogeography clarify the evolutionary history of major lineages of turtles |
2017 |
Pereira et al. |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
rgbif |
A new species of Telipogon (Oncidiinae: Orchidaceae) from the paramos of Colombia |
2017 |
Pérez-Escobar et al. |
Phytotaxa |
spocc |
Testing the association of phenotypes with polyploidy: An example using herbaceous and woody eudicots |
2017 |
Zenil-Ferguson et al. |
Evolution |
chromer |
GSODR: Global Summary Daily Weather Data in R |
2017 |
Sparks et al. |
The Journal of Open Source Software |
Signatures of the collapse and incipient recovery of an overexploited marine ecosystem |
2017 |
Pedersen et al. |
Royal Society Open Science |
rfishbase |
Evaluating two freely available geocoding tools for geographical inconsistencies and geocoding errors |
2017 |
Singh |
Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards |
helminthR |
rentrez: An R package for the NCBI eUtils API (Version 1 |
2017 |
Winter |
PeerJ Preprints |
rentrez |
Distribution and diversity of enzymes for polysaccharide degradation in fungi |
2017 |
Berlemont |
Scientific Reports |
taxize |
Species are not most abundant in the centre of their geographic range or climatic niche |
2017 |
Dallas et al. |
Ecology Letters |
spocc, taxize |
Cophylogenetic signal is detectable in pollination interactions across ecological scales |
2017 |
Hutchinson et al. |
Ecology |
taxize |
Pathogenic helminths in the past: Much ado about nothing |
2017 |
Mulder |
F1000Research |
helminthR |
Integrating lipid storage into general representations of fish energetics |
2017 |
Martin et al. |
Journal of Animal Ecology |
rfishbase |
Naturalization of ornamental plant species in public green spaces and private gardens |
2017 |
Mayer et al. |
Biological Invasions |
rgbif |
Skull shape reflects prey size niche in toothed whales |
2017 |
McCurry et al. |
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
rfishbase |
Geographical variation in the foraging behaviour of the pantropical red-footed booby |
2017 |
Mendez et al. |
Marine Ecology Progress Series |
rerddap |
Species pool distributions along functional trade-offs shape plant productivity–diversity relationships |
2017 |
Chalmandrier et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rgbif, taxize |
Repetitive prefix in Agul: Morphological copy from a closely related language |
2017 |
Maisak |
International Journal of Bilingualism |
lingtypology |
Cophylogenetic assessment of New World warblers (Parulidae) and their symbiotic feather mites (Proctophyllodidae |
2017 |
Matthews et al. |
Journal of Avian Biology |
rotl |
High dimensional Single Index Bayesian Modeling of the Brain Atrophy over time |
2017 |
Roy et al. |
arXiv |
rsnps |
2017 |
Drost et al. |
Bioinformatics |
biomartr, taxize |
Tree seedling vitality improves with functional diversity in a Mediterranean common garden experiment |
2018 |
Peer et al. |
Forest Ecology and Management |
brranching |
tidyhydat: Extract and Tidy Canadian Hydrometric Data |
2017 |
Albers |
The Journal of Open Source Software |
tidyhydat |
Varieties of Melampyrum Lineare (Orobanchaceae) Revisited |
2017 |
Oldham & Weeks |
Rhodora |
spocc |
PlasFlow: predicting plasmid sequences in metagenomic data using genome signatures |
2018 |
Krawczyk et al. |
Nucleic Acids Research |
rentrez |
Performance evaluation of mathematical predictive modeling for air quality forecasting |
2018 |
Selvi & Chandrasekaran |
Cluster Computing |
ropenaq |
Big data of tree species distributions: how big and how good? |
2017 |
Serra-Diaz et al. |
Forest Ecosystems |
rgbif |
Work Engagement among Rescue Workers: Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese UWES |
2018 |
Sinval et al. |
Frontiers in Psychology |
skimr |
Most species are not limited by an Amazonian river postulated to be a border between endemism areas |
2018 |
Santorelli et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rotl |
Seed-dispersal interactions in fragmented landscapes - a metanetwork approach |
2018 |
Emer et al. |
Ecology Letters |
taxize |
Patterns of microsatellite distribution reflect the evolution of biological complexity |
2018 |
Surabhi et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
taxize |
Transcriptome profiling of lentil (Lens culinaris) through the first 24 hours of Ascochyta lentis infection reveals key defence response genes |
2018 |
Khorramdelazad et al. |
BMC Genomics |
taxize |
The differential impact of scientific quality, bibliometric factors, and social media activity on the influence of systematic reviews and meta-analyses about psoriasis |
2018 |
Ruano et al. |
rAltmetric |
A transcript-wide association study in physical activity intervention implicates molecular pathways in chronic disease |
2018 |
Claypool & Patel |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rentrez |
Modelling air pollution, climate and health data using Bayesian Networks: a case study of the English regions |
2018 |
Vitolo et al. |
Earth and Space Science |
rdefra |
Scraping Financial Data from the Web Using R Language |
2018 |
Krotov & Tennyson |
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting |
pdftools |
SecretSanta: flexible pipelines for functional secretome prediction |
2018 |
Gogleva et al. |
Bioinformatics |
biomartr |
miRToolsGallery: a tag-based and rankable microRNA bioinformatics resources database portal |
2018 |
Chen et al. |
Database |
rentrez |
Link prediction for interdisciplinary collaboration via co-authorship network |
2018 |
Cho & Yu |
arXiv |
rcrossref |
Do traditional scientometric indicators predict social media activity on scientific knowledge? An analysis of the ecological literature |
2018 |
Nabout et al. |
Scientometrics |
rAltmetric |
Intraspecific and interspecific adaptive latitudinal cline in Brassicaceae seed oil traits |
2018 |
Sanyal et al. |
American Journal of Botany |
rgbif |
BioDataome: a collection of uniformly preprocessed and automatically annotated datasets for data-driven biology |
2018 |
Lakiotaki et al. |
Database |
rentrez |
New formula and conversion factor to compute tree species basic wood density from a global wood technology database |
2018 |
Vieilledent et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
taxize |
Taxa: An R package implementing data standards and methods for taxonomic data |
2018 |
Foster et al. |
F1000Research |
taxa, taxize |
A meta-analysis of birth-origin effects on reproduction in diverse captive environments |
2018 |
Farquharson et al. |
Nature Communications |
rotl |
Filter-dispersal assembly of lowland Neotropical rainforests across the Andes |
2018 |
Bemmels et al. |
Ecography |
rgbif, brranching |
Systematic Functional Annotation of Somatic Mutations in Cancer |
2018 |
Ng et al. |
Cancer Cell |
biomartr |
GlobTherm, a global database on thermal tolerances for aquatic and terrestrial organisms |
2018 |
Bennett et al. |
Scientific Data |
taxize |
Nomenclature instability in species culturomic assessments: Why synonyms matter |
2018 |
Correia et al. |
Ecological Indicators |
taxize |
GeneXX: An online tool for the exploration of transcript changes in skeletal muscle associated with exercise |
2018 |
Reibe et al. |
Physiological Genomics |
rentrez |
Brazil-Portugal Transcultural Adaptation of the UWES-9: Internal Consistency, Dimensionality, and Measurement Invariance |
2018 |
Sinval et al. |
Frontiers in Psychology |
skimr |
Development of quantitative screen for 1550 chemicals with GC-MS |
2018 |
Bergmann et al. |
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry |
webchem |
ijtiff: An R package providing TIFF I/O for ImageJ users |
2018 |
Nolan & Padilla-Parra |
Journal of Open Source Software |
ijtiff |
MicroRNA&ndash,mRNA expression profiles associated with medulloblastoma subgroup 4 |
2018 |
Gershanov et al. |
Cancer Management and Research |
iheatmapr |
Zenodo in the Spotlight of Traditional and New Metrics |
2017 |
Peters et al. |
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics |
oai |
visdat: Visualising Whole Data Frames |
2017 |
Tierney |
The Journal of Open Source Software |
visdat |
Fast, Consistent Tokenization of Natural Language Text |
2018 |
Mullen et al. |
Journal of Open Source Software |
tokenizers, textreuse |
Niche conservatism and the invasive potential of the wild boar |
2017 |
Sales et al. |
Journal of Animal Ecology |
spocc |
Multivariate skeletal analyses support a taxonomic distinction between New Zealand and Australian Eudyptula penguins (Sphenisciformes: Spheniscidae |
2017 |
Grosser et al. |
Emu - Austral Ornithology |
rnoaa |
Arthropod and oligochaete assemblages from grasslands of the southern Kenai Peninsula, Alaska |
2017 |
Bowser et al. |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
bold |
Disparities in second-generation DNA metabarcoding results exposed with accessible and repeatable workflows |
2018 |
Divoll et al. |
Molecular Ecology Resources |
bold |
Illuminating prey selection in an insectivorous bat community exposed to artificial light at night |
2017 |
Cravens et al. |
Journal of Applied Ecology |
bold |
Missing the point: are journals using the ideal number of decimal places? |
2018 |
Barnett |
F1000Research |
rentrez |
Natural history bycatch: a pipeline for identifying metagenomic sequences in RADseq data |
2018 |
Holmes & Davis Rabosky |
PeerJ |
taxize |
Quantitative Falsification for Qualitative Findings |
2018 |
Pajo |
Social Science Computer Review |
tokenizers |
Genomic and transcriptomic alterations in Leishmania donovani lines experimentally resistant to antileishmanial drugs |
2018 |
Rastrojo et al. |
International Journal for Parasitology |
plotly |
Down-sizing of dung beetle assemblages over the last 53 000 years is consistent with a dominant effect of megafauna losses |
2018 |
Schweiger & Svenning |
Oikos |
rgbif |
Miniaturisation of biologgers is not alleviating the 5% rule |
2018 |
Portugal & White |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
rotl |
Comparative transcriptomics and genomic patterns of discordance in Capsiceae (Solanaceae |
2018 |
Spalink et al. |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
rentrez |
Seasonal dynamics of typhoid and paratyphoid fever |
2018 |
Saad et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rgbif |
miRCancerdb: a database for correlation analysis between microRNA and gene expression in cancer |
2018 |
Ahmed et al. |
BMC Research Notes |
cRegulome |
Data sharing in PLOS ONE: An analysis of Data Availability Statements |
2018 |
Federer et al. |
rplos |
Effects of nettle slurry (Urtica dioica L |
2018 |
Garmendia et al. |
PeerJ |
writexl |
Drivers and rates of stock assessments in the United States |
2018 |
Neubauer et al. |
rfishbase |
A snapshot of translational research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH): A case study using behavioral and social science research awards and Clinical and Translational Science Awards funded publications |
2018 |
Han et al. |
rentrez |
Fish reproductive-energy output increases disproportionately with body size |
2018 |
Barneche et al. |
Science |
rotl |
Wearable camera-derived microenvironments in relation to personal exposure to PM 2.5 |
2018 |
Salmon et al. |
Environment International |
rtimicropem |
Suppdata: Downloading Supplementary Data from Published Manuscripts |
2018 |
Pearse et al. |
Journal of Open Source Software |
suppdata |
autoplotly: An R package for automatic generation of interactive visualizations for statistical results |
2018 |
Tang |
Journal of Open Source Software |
plotly |
Refining area of occupancy to address the modifiable areal unit problem in ecology and conservation. Conservation Biology |
2018 |
Moat et al. |
Conservation Biology |
rredlist |
One thousand DNA barcodes of piranhas and pacus reveal geographic structure and unrecognised diversity in the Amazon |
2018 |
Machado et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rentrez |
Genomic and transcriptomic alterations in Leishmania donovani lines experimentally resistant to antileishmanial drugs |
2018 |
Rastrojo et al. |
International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance |
plotly |
Genomic atlas of the human plasma proteome |
2018 |
Sun et al. |
Nature |
rentrez, plotly |
snpEnrichR: analyzing co-localization of SNPs and their proxies in genomic regions |
2018 |
Nousiainen et al. |
Bioinformatics |
RSelenium |
Machine learning techniques for the automation of literature reviews and systematic reviews in EFSA |
2018 |
Jaspers et al. |
EFSA Supporting Publications |
aRxiv, rbhl, rcrossref, rdatacite, rplos |
Linking Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Cancer Related Pathways |
2018 |
Hsu |
Scholar Archive |
plotly |
Characteristics of the bacterial microbiome in association with common intestinal parasites in irritable bowel syndrome |
2018 |
Krogsgaard et al. |
Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology |
plotly |
Global drivers of reef fish growth |
2018 |
Morais & Bellwood |
Fish and Fisheries |
rotl |
A stromal cell population that inhibits adipogenesis in mammalian fat depots |
2018 |
Schwalie et al. |
Nature |
biomartr |
Nature’s untold stories: an overview on the availability and type of on-line data on long-term biodiversity monitoring |
2018 |
Ondei et al. |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
taxize |
2018 |
Sanford et al. |
Sexual Medicine |
plotly |
Instances of erroneous DNA barcoding of metazoan invertebrates: Are universal cox1 gene primers too “universal”? |
2018 |
Mioduchowska et al. |
rentrez |
Text Analytics Techniques in the Digital World: a Sentiment Analysis Case Study of the Coverage of Climate Change on US News Networks |
2018 |
Casey |
Irish Communication Review |
tokenizers |
Specalyzer—an interactive online tool to analyze spectral reflectance measurements |
2018 |
Koc et al. |
PeerJ |
plotly |
WHAM!: a web-based visualization suite for user-defined analysis of metagenomic shotgun sequencing data |
2018 |
Devlin et al. |
BMC Genomics |
plotly |
Distributional Patterns and Ecological Determinants of Bat Occurrence Inside Caves: A Broad Scale Meta-Analysis |
2018 |
De Oliveira et al. |
Diversity |
rgbif |
Abstract 4643: Drug-Target Explorer: An interactive tool for examining chemical-biological interactions |
2018 |
Allaway et al. |
Cancer Chemistry |
webchem |
Restoration Provides Hope for Faunal Recovery: Changes in Primate Abundance Over 45 Years in Kibale National Park, Uganda |
2018 |
Chapman et al. |
Tropical Conservation Science |
rnaturalearth |
Optimizing community trees using the open tree of life increases the reliability of phylogenetic diversity and dispersion indices |
2018 |
Gastauer et al. |
Ecological Informatics |
rotl, brranching |
Research on Research: A Meta-Scientific Study of Problems and Solutions in Psychological Science |
2018 |
Nuijten |
Center for Open Science |
rplos |
Distribution and ecological segregation on regional and microgeographic scales of the diploid Centaurea aspera L., the tetraploid C. seridis L., and their triploid hybrids (Compositae |
2018 |
Garmendia et al. |
PeerJ |
writexl |
The altmetric performance of publications authored by Brazilian researchers: analysis of CNPq productivity scholarship holders |
2018 |
Araujo & Alves |
arXiv |
rAltmetric |
Characterization of the accessible genome in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum |
2018 |
Ruiz et al. |
Nucleic Acids Research |
iheatmapr |
Allometric and trait-based patterns in parasite stoichiometry |
2018 |
Paseka & Grunberg |
Oikos |
rotl |
DataPackageR: Reproducible data preprocessing, standardization and sharing using R/Bioconductor for collaborative data analysis |
2018 |
Finak et al. |
Gates Open Research |
DataPackageR |
Vulnerability to snakebite envenoming: a global mapping of hotspots |
2018 |
Longbottom et al. |
The Lancet |
spocc |
Complex analyses of short inverted repeats in all sequenced chloroplast DNAs |
2018 |
Brázda et al. |
BioMed Research International |
plotly |
Epidemiological significance of dengue virus genetic variation in mosquito infection dynamics |
2018 |
Fontaine et al. |
PLOS Pathogens |
plotly |
Spatially explicit action research for coastal fisheries management |
2018 |
Lawrence & Bhalla |
plotly |
Diverse lignocellulosic feedstocks can achieve high field-scale ethanol yields while providing flexibility for the biorefinery and landscape-level environmental benefits |
2018 |
Zhang et al. |
GCB Bioenergy |
plotly |
Mining human cancer datasets for kallikrein expression in cancer: the “KLK-CANMAP” Shiny web tool |
2018 |
Wang et al. |
Biological Chemistry |
plotly |
Evolutionary dynamics of host specialization in wood-decay fungi |
2018 |
Krah et al. |
BMC Evolutionary Biology |
rusda |
Fish community and single-species indicators provide evidence of unsustainable practices in a multi-gear reef fishery |
2018 |
Babcock et al. |
Fisheries Research |
rfishbase |
Alcohol Expectancy-Adolescent Questionnaire (AEQ-AB): Validation for portuguese college students |
2018 |
Almeida et al. |
Health and Addictions/Salud y Drogas |
skimr |
Locating similar names through locality sensitive hashing and graph theory |
2018 |
García et al. |
Multimedia Tools and Applications |
textreuse |
Olfactory-cued navigation in shearwaters: linking movement patterns to mechanisms |
2018 |
Abolaffio et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rerddap |
VisioProt-MS: interactive 2D maps from intact protein mass spectrometry |
2018 |
Locard-Paulet et al. |
Bioinformatics |
plotly |
Better late than never: a synthesis of strategic land retirement and restoration in California |
2018 |
Lortie et al. |
Ecosphere |
rgbif |
Challenges to fisheries advice and management due to stock recovery |
2018 |
Van Gemert & Andersen |
ICES Journal of Marine Science |
rfishbase |
Breakdown of brain–body allometry and the encephalization of birds and mammals |
2018 |
Tsuboi et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
taxize |
Quantitative proteomics using tandem mass tags in relation to the acute phase protein response in chicken challenged with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide endotoxin |
2018 |
Horvatić et al. |
Journal of Proteomics |
plotly |
Mapping the potential distributions of etiological agent, vectors, and reservoirs of Japanese Encephalitis in Asia and Australia |
2018 |
Samy et al. |
Acta Tropica |
spocc |
Ecosystem type shapes trophic position and omnivory in fishes |
2018 |
Sánchez-Hernández & Amundsen |
Fish and Fisheries |
rfishbase |
Ruminal methane emissions, metabolic, and microbial profile of Holstein steers fed forage and concentrate, separately or as a total mixed ration |
2018 |
Bharanidharan et al. |
plotly |
Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus: a systematic comparison of citations in 252 subject categories |
2018 |
Martín-Martín et al. |
arXiv |
cld2 |
Functional rarity of coral reef fishes at the global scale: Hotspots and challenges for conservation |
2018 |
Grenié et al. |
Biological Conservation |
taxize |
Barcoding of Chrysomelidae of Euro-Mediterranean area: efficiency and problematic species |
2018 |
Magoga et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rentrez |
Digitally Analyzing the Uneven Ground: Language Borrowing Among Indian Treaties |
2018 |
Catalano |
Current Research in Digital History |
textreuse |
Modelling the spatial distribution of aquatic insects (Order Hemiptera) potentially involved in the transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans in Africa |
2018 |
Cano et al. |
Parasites & Vectors |
opencage |
Systematic pharmacological screens uncover novel pathways involved in cerebral cavernous malformations |
2018 |
Otten et al. |
EMBO Molecular Medicine |
rentrez |
The effect of large sample sizes on ecological niche models: Analysis using a North American rodent, Peromyscus maniculatus |
2018 |
Boria & Blois |
Ecological Modelling |
rgbif |
Why are woody plants fleshy-fruited at low elevations? Evidence from a high-elevation oceanic island |
2018 |
Albert et al. |
Journal of Vegetation Science |
brranching |
A global assessment of tourism and recreation conservation threats to prioritise interventions |
2018 |
Lusseau & Mancini |
arXiv |
rredlist, rgbif |
Interspecific variation in leaf functional and defensive traits in oak species and its underlying climatic drivers |
2018 |
Abdala-Roberts et al. |
scrubr |
Global environmental drivers of marine fish egg size |
2018 |
Barneche et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
rotl |
Expanding tidy data principles to facilitate missing data exploration, visualization and assessment of imputations |
2018 |
Tierney & Cook |
arXiv |
visdat |
Phosphoproteomic-based kinase profiling early in influenza virus infection identifies GRK2 as antiviral drug target |
2018 |
Yángüez et al. |
Nature Communications |
rentrez |
A Differential Host Response to Viral Infection Defines a Subset of Earlier-Onset Diverticulitis Patients |
2018 |
Schieffer et al. |
J Gastrointestin Liver Dis |
plotly |
In MALDI mass spectrometry imaging on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue specimen section thickness significantly influences m/z peak intensity |
2018 |
Longuespée et al. |
PROTEOMICS - Clinical Applications |
plotly |
Transcriptomic but not genomic variability confers phenotype of breast cancer stem cells |
2018 |
Tong et al. |
Cancer Communications |
plotly |
Biodiversity hotspots are not congruent with conservation areas in the Gulf of California |
2018 |
Morzaria-Luna et al. |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
taxize |
Implications of Simulating Global Digital Elevation Models for Flood Inundation Studies |
2018 |
Hawker et al. |
Water Resources Research |
osmdata |
Habitat suitability estimated by niche models is largely unrelated to species abundance |
2018 |
Dallas & Hastings |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
rgbif, scrubr |
Text Mining and Big Data Analysis in the Relational Database with R |
2018 |
Gye-Soo |
International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
tokenizers |
Maternal Testosterone and Offspring Sex-Ratio in Birds and Mammals: A Meta-Analysis |
2017 |
Merkling et al. |
Evolutionary Biology |
rotl |
malariaAtlas: an R interface to global malariometric data hosted by the Malaria Atlas Project |
2018 |
Pfeffer et al. |
Malaria Journal |
spocc |
A Survey of e-Biodiversity: Concepts, Practices, and Challenges |
2018 |
Gadelha Jr et al. |
arXiv |
rgbif |
Empowering the detection of ChIP-seq “basic peaks” (bPeaks) in small eukaryotic genomes with a web user-interactive interface |
2018 |
Denecker & Lelandais |
BMC Research Notes |
plotly |
Evaluation of patient- versus provider-collected vaginal swabs for microbiome analysis during pregnancy |
2018 |
Wylie et al. |
BMC Research Notes |
plotly |
Deep proteomic network analysis of Alzheimer’s disease brain reveals alterations in RNA binding proteins and RNA splicing associated with disease |
2018 |
Johnson et al. |
Molecular Neurodegeneration |
plotly |
Predicting the time needed for environmental systematic reviews and systematic maps |
2018 |
Haddaway & Westgate |
Conservation Biology |
plotly |
Stable random projection: lightweight, general-purpose dimensionality reduction for digitized libraries |
2018 |
Schmidt |
Journal of Cultural Analytics |
textreuse |
Handling stress and sample storage are associated with weaker complement-mediated bactericidal ability in birds but not bats |
2018 |
Becker et al. |
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology |
rotl |
Methodological issues in the study of word stress correlates |
2017 |
Roettger & Gordon |
Linguistics Vanguard |
lingtypology |
Increased levels of circulating MMP3 correlate with severe rejection in face transplantation |
2018 |
Kollar et al. |
Scientific Reports |
plotly |
Spatiotemporal dynamics and risk factors for human Leptospirosis in Brazil |
2018 |
Baquero & Machado |
Scientific Reports |
tabulizer |
KinaMetrix: a web resource to investigate kinase conformations and inhibitor space |
2018 |
Rahman et al. |
Nucleic Acids Research |
plotly |
New formula and conversion factor to compute basic wood density of tree species using a global wood technology database |
2018 |
Vieilledent et al. |
American Journal of Botany |
taxize |
Changing station coverage impacts temperature trends in the Upper Colorado River Basin |
2018 |
McAfee et al. |
International Journal of Climatology |
FedData |
The rise of the Andes promoted rapid diversification in Neotropical Phlegmariurus (Lycopodiaceae |
2018 |
Testo et al. |
New Phytologist |
rgbif |
Integrated dataset on acute phase protein response in chicken challenged with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide endotoxin |
2018 |
Horvatić et al. |
Data in Brief |
plotly |
Phylogenetic patterns and phenotypic profiles of the species of plants and mammals farmed for food |
2018 |
Milla et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
taxize, rgbif, CoordinateCleaner |
Temporal and geographic distribution of weather conditions favorable to airborne spread of foot-and-mouth disease in the coterminous United States |
2018 |
Hagerman et al. |
Preventive Veterinary Medicine |
riem |
Two methods for mapping and visualizing associated data on phylogeny using ggtree |
2018 |
Yu et al. |
Molecular Biology and Evolution |
treeio |
The Arctic Traits Database: A repository of arctic benthic invertebrate traits |
2018 |
Degen & Faulwetter |
Earth System Science Data Discussions |
rfishbase |
Stroke incidence in the young: evidence from a Norwegian register study |
2018 |
Barra et al. |
Journal of Neurology |
plotly |
The impact of intraspecific variation on food web structure |
2018 |
Clegg et al. |
Ecology |
worrms |
The relationships between physical performance, activity levels and falls in older men |
2018 |
Orwoll et al. |
The Journals of Gerontology |
plotly |
ranacapa: An R package and Shiny web app to explore environmental DNA data with exploratory statistics and interactive visualizations |
2018 |
Kandlikar et al. |
F1000Research |
taxize |
A global test of ecoregions |
2018 |
Smith et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
rgbif |
Persistence of environmental DNA in marine systems |
2018 |
Collins et al. |
Communications Biology |
rgbif, rentrez |
Imaging natural history museum collections from the bottom up: 3D print technology facilitates imaging of fluid-stored arthropods with flatbed scanners |
2018 |
Mendez et al. |
ZooKeys |
magick |
The evolution of language families is shaped by the environment beyond neutral drift |
2018 |
Bentz et al. |
Nature Human Behaviour |
rgbif |
Mapping knowledge gaps in marine diversity reveals a latitudinal gradient of missing species richness |
2018 |
Menegotto & Rangel |
Nature Communications |
rgbif |
Insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae from the northern Democratic Republic of Congo, with extreme knockdown resistance (kdr) mutation frequencies revealed by a new diagnostic assay |
2018 |
Lynd et al. |
Malaria Journal |
plotly |
MODIStsp : An R package for automatic preprocessing of MODIS Land Products time series |
2016 |
Busetto & Ranghetti |
Computers & Geosciences |
MODIStsp |
A Remote Sensing Approach for Regional-Scale Mapping of Agricultural Land-Use Systems Based on NDVI Time Series |
2017 |
Bellón et al. |
Remote Sensing |
MODIStsp |
Climatic fluctuations and malaria transmission dynamics, prior to elimination, in Guna Yala, República de Panamá |
2018 |
Hurtado et al. |
Malaria Journal |
MODIStsp |
Assessment of Water Management Changes in the Italian Rice Paddies from 2000 to 2016 Using Satellite Data: A Contribution to Agro-Ecological Studies |
2018 |
Ranghetti et al. |
Remote Sensing |
MODIStsp |
Improved regional-scale Brazilian cropping systems’ mapping based on a semi-automatic object-based clustering approach |
2018 |
Bellón et al. |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
MODIStsp |
Estimating inter-annual variability in winter wheat sowing dates from satellite time series in Camargue, France |
2017 |
Manfron et al. |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
MODIStsp |
CropPhenology: An R package for extracting crop phenology from time series remotely sensed vegetation index imagery |
2018 |
Araya et al. |
Ecological Informatics |
MODIStsp |
Variability of Satellite Derived Phenological Parameters across Maize Producing Areas of South Africa |
2018 |
Adisa et al. |
Sustainability |
MODIStsp |
Conceptual Architecture and Service-Oriented Implementation of a Regional Geoportal for Rice Monitoring |
2017 |
Granell et al. |
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information |
MODIStsp |
PhenoRice: A method for automatic extraction of spatio-temporal information on rice crops using satellite data time series |
2017 |
Boschetti et al. |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
MODIStsp |
A Weekly Indicator of Surface Moisture Status from Satellite Data for Operational Monitoring of Crop Conditions |
2017 |
Nutini et al. |
Sensors |
MODIStsp |
Conducting social network analysis with animal telemetry data: applications and methods using spatsoc |
2018 |
Robitaille et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
spatsoc |
Relation of El Niño and La Niña phenomena to precipitation, evapotranspiration and temperature in the Amazon basin |
2019 |
Moura et al. |
Science of The Total Environment |
MODIStsp |
Historical collections as a tool for assessing the global pollination crisis |
2018 |
Bartomeus et al. |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
taxize, rgbif |
Susceptibility of European freshwater fish to climate change: species profiling based on life-history and environmental characteristics |
2018 |
Jarić et al. |
Global Change Biology |
rfishbase |
Physiological and pathophysiological characteristics of ataxin-3 isoforms |
2018 |
Weishäupl et al. |
Journal of Biological Chemistry |
magick |
Botanic gardens are an untapped resource for studying the functional ecology of tropical plants |
2018 |
Perez et al. |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
spocc |
Description of Cardiological Apps From the German App Store: Semiautomated Retrospective App Store Analysis |
2018 |
Albrecht et al. |
JMIR mHealth and uHealth |
cld2 |
Insect repellent and chemical agronomic treatments to reduce seed number in 'Afourer' mandarin - Effect on yield and fruit diameter |
2019 |
Garmendia et al. |
Scientia Horticulturae |
writexl |
Population Dynamics of Anopheles albimanus (Diptera: Culicidae) at Ipetí-Guna, a Village in a Region Targeted for Malaria Elimination in Panamá |
2018 |
Hurtado et al. |
Insects |
MODIStsp |
Managing Larger Data on a GitHub Repository |
2018 |
Boettiger |
Journal of Open Source Software |
piggyback |
rcites: An R package to access the CITES Speciesplus database |
2018 |
Geschke et al. |
Journal of Open Source Software |
rcites |
Hotel booking demand datasets |
2018 |
António et al. |
Data in Brief |
skimr |
Reef fish functional traits evolve fastest at trophic extremes |
2018 |
Borstein et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
rfishbase |
Enhancer Architecture and Essential Core Regulatory Circuitry of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia |
2018 |
Ott et al. |
Cancer Cell |
iheatmapr |
DataDepsGenerators.jl: making reusing data easy by automatically generating DataDeps.jl registration code |
2018 |
White & Santy |
Journal of Open Source Software |
ckanr, rdryad, rfigshare, rdatacite |
SkeletalVis: An exploration and meta-analysis data portal of cross-species skeletal transcriptomics data |
2018 |
Soul et al. |
Bioinformatics |
plotly |
Conventional methods for enhancing connectivity in conservation planning do not always maintain gene flow |
2018 |
Hanson et al. |
Journal of Applied Ecology |
rgbif |
Accumulation processes of trace metals into Arctic sea ice: distribution of Fe, Mn and Cd associated with ice structure |
2018 |
Evans & Nishioka |
Marine Chemistry |
magick |
2018 |
Sinval et al. |
Current Psychology |
skimr |
Predicting plant conservation priorities on a global scale |
2018 |
Pelletier et al. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
taxize |
Assessing the Conservation Potential of Fish and Corals in Aquariums Globally |
2018 |
Da Silva et al. |
Journal for Nature Conservation |
taxize |
Impacts of landscape composition, marginality of distribution, soil fertility, and climatic stability on the patterns of woody plant endemism in the Cerrado |
2018 |
Vidal et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rgbif |
Multifocal Versus Conventional Unifocal Diverticulitis: A Comparison of Clinical and Transcriptomic Characteristics |
2018 |
Kline et al. |
Digestive Diseases and Sciences |
plotly |
Improving consumption based accounting for global capture fisheries |
2018 |
West et al. |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
rfishbase |
4-Fluoramphetamine in the Netherlands: Text-mining and sentiment analysis of internet forums |
2019 |
Blankers et al. |
International Journal of Drug Policy |
RSelenium |
Developmental temperature affects phenotypic means and variability: a meta-analysis of fish data |
2018 |
O’Dea et al. |
Center for Open Science |
rotl |
SKYNET: An R package for generating air passenger networks for urban studies |
2018 |
Teixeira & Derudder |
Urban Studies |
skynet |
Differential ratio amplicons (Ramp) for the evaluation of RNA integrity extracted from complex environmental samples |
2018 |
Cholet et al. |
Environmental Microbiology |
rentrez |
GeneHummus: A pipeline to define gene families and their expression in legumes and beyond |
2018 |
Die et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rentrez |
Construction and evaluation of a robust trophic network model for the northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystem |
2019 |
Leaf & Oshima |
Ecological Informatics |
rfishbase |
Litter decomposition driven by soil fauna, plant diversity and soil management in urban gardens |
2018 |
Tresch et al. |
Science of The Total Environment |
rotl |
Software for analysis of vegetation indices dynamics |
2018 |
Sodnomov et al. |
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
MODIStsp |
pavo 2: new tools for the spectral and spatial analysis of colour in R |
2018 |
Maia et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
magick |
A case study in text mining of discussion forum posts: classification with bag of words and global vectors Int |
2018 |
Cichosz |
J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci |
hunspell |
Detection of bacterial endosymbionts in freshwater crustaceans: the applicability of non-degenerate primers to amplify the bacterial 16S rRNA gene |
2018 |
Mioduchowska et al. |
PeerJ |
rentrez |
Bridging Theory and Practice Through Modular Graphical User Interfaces |
2018 |
Rehbach et al. |
Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies |
plotly |
A survey of digitized data from U.S. fish collections in the iDigBio data aggregator |
2018 |
Singer et al. |
plotly |
Dosage Compensation of the X Chromosomes in Bovine Germline Early Embryos and Somatic Tissues |
2018 |
Duan et al. |
Genome Biology and Evolution |
plotly |
Data on the conservation potential of fish and coral populations in aquariums |
2018 |
Da Silva & Conde |
Data in Brief |
taxize |
Genome size variation and species diversity in salamanders |
2018 |
Sclavi & Herrick |
Journal of Evolutionary Biology |
taxize |
Niche divergence and limits to expansion in the high polyploid Dianthus broteri complex |
2018 |
López-Jurado et al. |
New Phytologist |
rgbif |
Rarity of Size-Assortative Mating in Animals: Assessing the Evidence with Anuran Amphibians |
2019 |
Green |
The American Naturalist |
rotl |
The covariance between metabolic rate and behaviour varies across behaviours and thermal types: meta-analytic insights |
2018 |
Mathot et al. |
Biological Reviews |
rotl |
restez: Create and Query a Local Copy of GenBank in R |
2018 |
Bennett et al. |
Journal of Open Source Software |
rentrez, restez |
hydroscoper: R interface to the Greek National Data Bank for Hydrological and Meteorological Information |
2018 |
Vantas |
Journal of Open Source Software |
hydroscoper |
EyeChrom and CCDBcurator: Visualizing chromosome count data from plants |
2019 |
Rivero et al. |
Applications in Plant Sciences |
chromer |
Agricultural landscape generators for simulation models: A review of existing solutions and an outline of future directions |
2019 |
Langhammer et al. |
Ecological Modelling |
landscapetools, NLMR |
The politeness Package: Detecting Politeness in Natural Language |
2018 |
Yeomans et al. |
The R Journal |
hunspell |
Phylogeography, population genetics, and distribution modeling reveal vulnerability of Scirpus longii (Cyperaceae) and the Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora to climate change |
2019 |
Spalink et al. |
Molecular Ecology |
rgbif |
A Curated, Comprehensive Database of Plasmid Sequences |
2019 |
Brooks et al. |
Microbiology Resource Announcements |
rentrez |
A joint text mining-rank size investigation of the rhetoric structures of the US Presidents’ speeches |
2019 |
Ficcadenti et al. |
Expert Systems with Applications |
tokenizers |
A synthesis of animal-mediated seed dispersal of palms reveals distinct biogeographical differences in species interactions |
2019 |
Muñoz et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
taxize |
The unknown followers: Discovery of a new species of Sycobia Walker (Hymenoptera: Epichrysomallinae) associated with Ficus benjamina L (Moraceae) in the Neotropical region |
2018 |
Farache et al. |
Journal of Hymenoptera Research |
rnaturalearth |
A Systematic Review of Open Source Clinical Software on GitHub for Improving Software Reuse in Smart Healthcare |
2019 |
Shen & Spruit |
Applied Sciences |
plotly |
masstodon: A tool for assigning peaks and modeling electron transfer reactions in top-down mass spectrometry |
2019 |
Łącki et al. |
Analytical Chemistry |
plotly |
2018 |
Journal of Information Technology Management |
plotly |
Linking life-history theory and metabolic theory explains the offspring size-temperature relationship |
2019 |
Pettersen et al. |
Ecology Letters |
rotl |
Small is big in Arabidopsis mitochondrial ribosome |
2019 |
Waltz et al. |
Nature Plants |
plotly |
A convenient tool for bivariate data analysis and bar graph plotting with R |
2019 |
Hofmann et al. |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education |
plotly |
stats19: A package for working with open road crash data |
2019 |
Lovelace et al. |
Journal of Open Source Software |
stplanr |
The importance of soils in predicting the future of plant habitat suitability in a tropical forest |
2019 |
Zuquim et al. |
Plant and Soil |
spocc |
Distinct gut virome profile of pregnant women with type 1 diabetes in the ENDIA study |
2019 |
Kim et al. |
Open Forum Infectious Diseases |
iheatmapr |
REDLISTR: Tools for the IUCN Red Lists of Ecosystems and Threatened Species in R |
2019 |
Lee et al. |
Ecography |
rgbif |
rMyCoPortal - an R package to interface with the Mycology Collections Portal |
2019 |
Krah et al. |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
RSelenium |
Biodiversity Observations Miner: A web application to unlock primary biodiversity data from published literature |
2019 |
Muñoz et al. |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
taxize |
Metabolic rates of prokaryotic microbes may inevitably rise with global warming |
2019 |
Smith et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
taxize |
Extreme winter warm event causes exceptionally early bud break for many woody species |
2019 |
Ladwig et al. |
Ecosphere |
rgbif |
Evolutionary pathways toward gigantism in sharks and rays |
2019 |
Pimiento et al. |
Evolution |
rfishbase |
Terrestrial locomotion energy costs vary considerably between species: no evidence that this is explained by rate of leg force production or ecology |
2019 |
Halsey & White |
Scientific Reports |
rotl |
Investigating the association between mating-relevant self-concepts and mate preferences through a data-driven analysis of online personal descriptions |
2019 |
Lee et al. |
Center for Open Science |
RSelenium, hunspell |
Global plant–symbiont organization and emergence of biogeochemical cycles resolved by evolution-based trait modelling |
2019 |
Lu & Hedin |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
rgbif |
CoordinateCleaner: standardized cleaning of occurrence records from biological collection databases |
2019 |
Zizka et al. |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
opencage, CoordinateCleaner, rgbif, rnaturalearth, scrubr |
The global biogeography of polyploid plants |
2019 |
Rice et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
CoordinateCleaner, rgbif, rnaturalearthdata |
Peripheral and central levels of kynurenic acid in bipolar disorder subjects and healthy controls |
2019 |
Sellgren et al. |
Translational Psychiatry |
plotly |
Plant DNA-barcode library and community phylogeny for a semi-arid East African savanna |
2019 |
Gill et al. |
Molecular Ecology Resources |
brranching |
Network analysis to evaluate the impact of research funding on research community consolidation |
2019 |
Hicks et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rcrossref |
Introducing of modeling techniques in the research of POPs in breast milk – A pilot study |
2019 |
Jovanović et al. |
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
plotly |
Agroforestry is paying off – Economic evaluation of ecosystem services in European landscapes with and without agroforestry systems |
2019 |
Kay et al. |
Ecosystem Services |
plotly |
Improving the detection of wildfire disturbances in space and time based on indicators extracted from MODIS data: a case study in northern Portugal |
2019 |
Marcos et al. |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
MODIStsp |
HABIT - a webserver for interactive T cell neoepitope discovery |
2019 |
Martins et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
plotly |
Sensitive high-throughput single-cell RNA-seq reveals within-clonal transcript correlations in yeast populations |
2019 |
Nadal-Ribelles et al. |
Nature Microbiology |
plotly |
Malaria infection rates in Anopheles albimanus (Diptera: Culicidae) at Ipetí-Guna, a village within a region targeted for malaria elimination in Panamá |
2019 |
Rigg et al. |
Infection, Genetics and Evolution |
MODIStsp |
SpNetPrep: An R package using Shiny to facilitate spatial statistics on road networks |
2019 |
Briz-Redón |
Research Ideas and Outcomes |
osmdata |
Serotonin levels and 1-year mortality in patients with neuroendocrine tumors: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
2019 |
Joish et al. |
Future Oncology |
plotly |
Evidence of a trans-kingdom plant disease complex between a fungus and plant-parasitic nematodes |
2019 |
Wheeler et al. |
plotly |
Does the Asset Pricing Premium Reflect Asymmetric or IncompleteInformation? |
2018 |
Liu et al. |
Economics Faculty Working Papers Series |
hunspell |
A season for all things: Phenological imprints in Wikipedia usage and their relevance toconservation |
2019 |
Mittermeier & NA |
PLoS Biology |
rgbif, rebird |
Trends and perspectives on the use of animal social network analysis in behavioural ecology: a bibliometric approach |
2019 |
Webber & Vander Wal |
Animal Behaviour |
spatsoc |
Spatial overlaps between the global protected areas network and terrestrial hotspots of evolutionary diversity |
2019 |
Daru et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
rgbif |
Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus and the temporal discounting of primary and secondary rewards |
2019 |
Aiello et al. |
Journal of Neurology |
plotly |
Phylogenetic investigation of skin sloughing rates in frogs: relationships with skin characteristics and disease-driven declines |
2019 |
Ohmer et al. |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
rotl |
Patterns of microsatellite distribution across eukaryotic genomes |
2019 |
Srivastava et al. |
BMC Genomics |
taxize |
A benchmark dataset of herbarium specimen images with label data |
2019 |
Dillen et al. |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
rgbif |
Identifying historic river ice breakup timing using MODIS and Google Earth Engine in support of operational flood monitoring in Northern Ontario |
2019 |
Beaton et al. |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
tidyhydat |
Environmental DNA metabarcoding of wild flowers reveals diverse communities of terrestrial arthropods |
2019 |
Thomsen & Sigsgaard |
Ecology and Evolution |
taxize |
Contemporary climatic analogs for 540 North American urban areas in the late 21st century |
2019 |
Fitzpatrick & Dunn |
Nature Communications |
rnoaa |
An epilimnion and hypolimnion temperature model based on air temperature and lake characteristics |
2019 |
Prats & Danis |
Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems |
tabulizer |
Land-Cover Pattern and Change |
2018 |
Fletcher & Fortin |
Spatial Ecology and Conservation Modeling |
Postglacial vegetation, fire, and climate history along the eastern Andes, Argentina and Chile (lat. 41–55°S |
2019 |
Nanavati et al. |
Quaternary Science Reviews |
neotoma |
Why tree lines are lower on islands-Climatic and biogeographic effects hold the answer |
2019 |
Karger et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
CoordinateCleaner |
The Prevalence of Marginally Significant Results in Psychology Over Time |
2019 |
Olsson-Collentine et al. |
Psychological Science |
rcrossref |
Taxonomic and geographic bias in the genetic study of helminth parasites |
2019 |
Poulin et al. |
International Journal for Parasitology |
rentrez |
A time travel story: metagenomic analyses decipher the unknown geographical shift and the storage history of possibly smuggled antique marble statues |
2019 |
Piñar et al. |
Annals of Microbiology |
rgbif |
Ligustrum lucidum W. T. Aiton (broad-leaf privet) demonstrates climatic niche shifts during global-scale invasion |
2019 |
Dreyer et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rgbif |
Genomic, ecological, and morphological approaches to investigating species limits: A case study in modern taxonomy from Tropical Eastern Pacific surgeonfishes |
2019 |
Ludt et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
rgbif |
Impacts of historical warming on marine fisheries production |
2019 |
Free et al. |
Science |
rfishbase |
Bat Research Networks and Viral Surveillance: Gaps and Opportunities in Western Asia |
2019 |
Phelps et al. |
Viruses |
rentrez |
2019 |
Mitchell & Moseley |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
RSelenium |
ComplexBrowser: a tool for identification and quantification of protein complexes in large scale proteomics datasets |
2019 |
Michalak et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
plotly |
TCC-GUI: a Shiny-based application for differential expression analysis of RNA-Seq count data |
2019 |
Su et al. |
BMC Research Notes |
plotly |
Biodiversity data integration--The significance of data resolution and domain |
2019 |
König et al. |
PLOS Biology |
taxize |
SV-Pop: population-based structural variant analysis and visualization |
2019 |
Ravenhall et al. |
BMC Bioinformatics |
plotly |
Mapping and understanding the digital biodiversity knowledge about vertebrates in the Atlantic Rainforest |
2019 |
Higino & Vital |
Center for Open Science |
taxize |
colocr: An R package for conducting co-localization analysis on fluorescence microscopy images |
2019 |
Ahmed et al. |
PeerJ |
colocr |
SoEM: a novel PCR-free biodiversity assessment method based on small-organelles enriched metagenomics |
2019 |
Jo et al. |
taxize |
Does evolutionary history determine specificity in broad ecological interactions? |
2019 |
Shefferson et al. |
Journal of Ecology |
rotl |
Bcor loss perturbs myeloid differentiation and promotes leukaemogenesis |
2019 |
Kelly et al. |
Nature Communications |
plotly |
A machine learning framework for automated analysis of central bank communication and media discourse. The case of Narodowy Bank Polski |
2019 |
Rybinski |
Bank & Credit |
RSelenium |
All by myself? Meta‐analysis of animal contests shows stronger support for self than for mutual assessment models |
2019 |
Pinto et al. |
Biological Reviews |
rotl |
Modelling Function-Valued Processes with Nonseparable Covariance Structure |
2019 |
Konzen et al. |
arXiv |
weathercan |
Detection of Vegetation Cover Change in Renewable Energy Development Zones of Southern California Using MODIS NDVI Time Series Analysis, 2000 to 2018 |
2019 |
Nghiem et al. |
Environments |
MODIStsp |
KLRfome - Kernel Logistic Regression on Focal Mean Embeddings |
2019 |
Harris |
Journal of Open Source Software |
Improving the detection of wildfire disturbances in space and time based on indicators extracted from MODIS data: a case study in northern Portugal |
2019 |
Marcos et al. |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
MODIStsp |
Global buffering of temperatures under forest canopies |
2019 |
De Frenne et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
CoordinateCleaner |
The Two-Way Street of Open Access Journal Publishing |
2019 |
Matthias et al. |
Flip It and Reverse It. Publications |
rcrossref |
The role of the environment in the evolution of nest shape in Australian passerines |
2019 |
Medina |
Scientific Reports |
rgbif |
An unbiased in vitro screen for activating epidermal growth factor receptor mutations |
2019 |
Chakroborty et al. |
Journal of Biological Chemistry |
plotly |
An efficient and robust laboratory workflow and tetrapod database for larger scale environmental DNA studies |
2019 |
Axtner et al. |
GigaScience |
taxize |
Bats in a changing landscape: Linking occupancy and traits of a diverse montane bat community to fire regime |
2019 |
Blakey et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
rnoaa |
Climate change impact on ecosystem functions provided by birds in southeastern Amazonia |
2019 |
Miranda et al. |
rgbif |
Transitioning from recruit to officer: An investigation of how stress appraisal and coping influence work engagement |
2019 |
Rodrigues et al. |
International Journal of Selection and Assessment |
skimr |
Dataset of Jaccard similarity indices from 1,597 European political manifestos across 27 countries (1945–2017 |
2019 |
Sanger & Warin |
Data in Brief |
textreuse |
Paleoclimate, ecoregion size, and degree of isolation explain regional biodiversity differences among terrestrial vertebrates within the Congo Basin |
2019 |
Perre et al. |
Belgian Journal of Zoology |
rgbif, rredlist |
Pedestrian Count Expansion Methods: Bridging the Gap between Land Use Groups and Empirical Clusters |
2019 |
Medury et al. |
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board |
FedData |
Inference of biogeographic history by formally integrating distinct lines of evidence: genetic, environmental niche, and fossil |
2019 |
Hoban et al. |
Ecography |
rgbif |
Space use and social association in a gregarious ungulate: Testing the conspecific attraction and resource dispersion hypotheses |
2019 |
Peignier et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
spatsoc |
Learn RStudio IDE |
2019 |
Campbell |
Apress |
plotly |
Managerial Self-Attribution Bias and Banks’ Future Performance: Evidence from Emerging Economies |
2019 |
Iqbal |
Journal of Risk and Financial Management |
pdftools |
Greater vulnerability to warming of marine versus terrestrial ectotherms |
2019 |
Pinsky et al. |
Nature |
rfishbase, rnoaa |
Revisiting the classification of Melastomataceae: implications for habit and fruit evolution |
2019 |
Bacci et al. |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
rgbif |
Data extraction from digital repeat photography using xROI: An interactive framework to facilitate the process |
2019 |
Seyednasrollah et al. |
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
plotly |
Automated Dictionary Creation for Analyzing Text: An Illustration from Stereotype Content |
2019 |
Nicolas et al. |
PsyArXiv |
hunspell |
Resilience in social-ecological systems: identifying stable and unstable equilibria with agent-based models |
2019 |
Van Strien et al. |
Ecology and Society |
plotly |
Exploring the Daschle Collection using Text Mining |
2019 |
Bayer & Michael |
arXiv |
hunspell, tesseract |
Morphology, ecology, and biogeography of independent origins of cleaning behavior around the world |
2019 |
Baliga & Mehta |
Integrative and comparative biology |
rgbif |
Datastorr: a workflow and package for delivering successive versions of “evolving data” directly into R |
2019 |
Falster et al. |
GigaScience |
datastorr |
Turning the tables: A university league-table based on quality not quantity |
2019 |
Barnett & Moher |
F1000Research |
rentrez |
Rate dynamics of ectotherm responses to thermal stress |
2019 |
Kovacevic et al. |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
rotl |
Solvent Selection Methods and Tool |
2019 |
Piccione et al. |
Organic Process Research & Development |
plotly |
Application of Electronic Nose for Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Process Effects at Full-Scale WWTP |
2019 |
Łagód et al. |
Processes |
plotly |
Coupling of Membrane Nanodomain Formation and Enhanced Electroporation near Phase Transition |
2019 |
Kirsch & Böckmann |
Biophysical Journal |
plotly |
Bony Patchwork: Mosaic Patterns of Evolution in the Skull of Electric Fishes |
2019 |
Evans et al. |
Integrative and Comparative Biology |
phylotaR |
Outstanding plant endemism levels strongly support the recognition of campo rupestre provinces in mountaintops of eastern South America |
2019 |
Colli‐Silva et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
CoordinateCleaner |
An automated multi-model evapotranspiration mapping framework using remotely sensed and reanalysis data |
2019 |
Bhattarai et al. |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
MODIStsp |
Consequences of clear-cutting and drought on fine root dynamics down to 17 m in coppice-managed eucalypt plantations |
2019 |
Germon et al. |
Forest Ecology and Management |
plotly |
Swirling in the ocean: immature loggerhead turtles seasonally target old anticyclonic eddies at the fringe of the North Atlantic gyre |
2019 |
Chambault et al. |
Progress in Oceanography |
clifro |
Dual colonization of European high-altitude areas from Asia by Callianthemum (Ranunculaceae |
2019 |
Kadereit et al. |
Plant Systematics and Evolution |
rgbif |
Modelling the biochemical and sensory changes of strawberries during storage under diverse relative humidity conditions |
2019 |
Ktenioudaki et al. |
Postharvest Biology and Technology |
writexl |
Predicting malaria cases using remotely sensed environmental variables in Nkomazi, South Africa |
2019 |
Adeola et al. |
Geospatial Health |
MODIStsp |
Variability in growth and biomass allocation and the phenotypic plasticity of seven Prosopis pallida populations in response to water availability |
2019 |
Salazar et al. |
Trees |
magick |
Minimizing wildlife impacts for offshore wind energy development: Winning tradeoffs for seabirds in space and cetaceans in time |
2019 |
Best & Halpin |
plotly |
The Gene Sculpt Suite: a set of tools for genome editing |
2019 |
Mann et al. |
Nucleic Acids Research |
rentrez |
tRNAviz: explore and visualize tRNA sequence features |
2019 |
Lin et al. |
Nucleic Acids Research |
taxize |
Assessing sampling coverage of species distribution in biodiversity databases |
2019 |
Sporbert et al. |
Journal of Vegetation Science |
taxize |
Robustness Spatiotemporal Clustering and Trend Detection of Rainfall Erosivity Density in Greece |
2019 |
Vantas et al. |
Water |
hydroscoper |
The grass subfamily Pooideae: Cretaceous–Palaeocene origin and climate‐driven Cenozoic diversification |
2019 |
Schubert et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
rgbif |
Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses |
2019 |
Steidinger et al. |
Nature |
taxize |
High-throughput environmental DNA analysis informs a biological assessment of an urban stream |
2019 |
Bagley et al. |
Ecological Indicators |
taxize |
Do latex and resin canals spur plant diversification? Re‐examining a classic example of escape and radiate coevolution |
2019 |
Foisy et al. |
Journal of Ecology |
taxize |
Evaluate Cutpoints: Adaptable continuous data distribution system for determining survival in Kaplan-Meier estimator |
2019 |
Ogłuszka et al. |
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine |
plotly |
Mechanistic niche modelling to identify favorable growth sites of temperate macroalgae |
2019 |
Westmeijer et al. |
Algal Research |
rgbif |
Increases in local richness (α-diversity) following invasion are offset by biotic homogenization in a biodiversity hotspot |
2019 |
Kortz & Magurran |
Biology Letters |
plotly |
Simple ClinVar: an interactive web server to explore and retrieve gene and disease variants aggregated in ClinVar database |
2019 |
Pérez-Palma et al. |
Nucleic Acids Research |
plotly |
What is the best method of family planning for me?: a text mining analysis of messages between users and agents of a digital health service in Kenya |
2019 |
Green et al. |
Gates Open Research |
hunspell, cld2 |
Morphological and functional diversity of piscivorous fishes on coral reefs |
2019 |
Mihalitsis & Bellwood |
Coral Reefs |
rotl |
Linking drought legacy effects across scales: From leaves to tree rings to ecosystems |
2019 |
Kannenberg et al. |
Global Change Biology |
MODISTools |
Modelling the three‐dimensional space use of aquatic animals combining topography and Eulerian telemetry data |
2019 |
Aspillaga et al. |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
plotly |
Gut microbiome differences between wild and captive black rhinoceros – implications for rhino health |
2019 |
Gibson et al. |
Scientific Reports |
plotly |
The Quality of Work Life Scale: Validity Evidence from Brazil and Portugal |
2019 |
Sinval et al. |
Applied Research in Quality of Life |
skimr |
The relationship between geographic range extent, sea surface temperature and adult traits in coastal temperate fishes |
2019 |
Goodman et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
rfishbase |
A new homogenized daily data set for temperature variability assessment in Italy |
2019 |
Fioravanti et al. |
International Journal of Climatology |
RSelenium |
Using the HPTLC-bioluminescence bacteria assay for the determination of acute toxicities in marine sediments and its eligibility as a monitoring assessment tool |
2019 |
Logemann et al. |
Chemosphere |
magick |
Design of a common pathway drug for all types of cardiovascular diseases: A network biology approach |
2019 |
Al-Mustanjid |
Network Biology |
rentrez |
A space-time analysis of recurrent malnutrition-related hospitalisations in Kilifi, Kenya for children under-5 years |
2019 |
Wambui & Musenge |
BMC Nutrition |
MODISTools |
Understanding microbial community dynamics to improve optimal microbiome selection |
2019 |
Wright et al. |
Microbiome |
plotly |
Soil and climactic predictors of canine coccidioidomycosis seroprevalence in Washington State: an ecological cross‐sectional study |
2019 |
Meisner et al. |
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases |
FedData |
Effects of antipredator training, environmental enrichment, and soft release on wildlife translocations: A review and meta-analysis |
2019 |
Tetzlaff et al. |
Biological Conservation |
rotl |
High correlation between species‐level environmental data estimates extracted from IUCN expert range maps and from GBIF occurrence data |
2019 |
Alhajeri & Fourcade |
Journal of Biogeography |
rredlist, rgbif |
Single Fragment or Bulk Soil DNA Metabarcoding: Which is Better for Characterizing Biological Taxa Found in Surface Soils for Sample Separation? |
2019 |
Boggs et al. |
Genes |
taxize |
Dataset of occurrence and incidence of pine processionary moth in Andalusia, south Spain |
2019 |
Ros-Candeira et al. |
ZooKeys |
rgbif |
Little difference in average fish growth and maximum size across temperatures |
2019 |
Van Denderen et al. |
EcoEvoRxiv |
rfishbase |
Habitat selection can reduce effects of extreme climatic events in a long‐lived shorebird |
2019 |
Bailey et al. |
Journal of Animal Ecology |
plotly |
A metadata approach to evaluate the state of ocean knowledge: Strengths, limitations, and application to Mexico |
2019 |
Palacios-Abrantes et al. |
taxize |
Linking Biodiversity Data Using Evolutionary History |
2019 |
McTavish |
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards |
rotl |
Assessing the vulnerability of Africa’s freshwater fishes to climate change: A continent-wide trait-based analysis |
2019 |
Nyboer et al. |
Biological Conservation |
rfishbase, rredlist |
Deathbed choice by ASF‐infected wild boar can help find carcasses |
2019 |
Morelle et al. |
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases |
osmdata |
Linking Biodiversity Data Using Evolutionary History |
2019 |
McTavish |
Bio/diversity Information Science and Standards |
rgbif |
Biodiversidata: An Open-Access Biodiversity Database for Uruguay |
2019 |
Grattarola et al. |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
rredlist, taxize |
The morphology and circuity of walkable, bikeable, and drivable street networks in Phnom Penh, Cambodia |
2019 |
Yen et al. |
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science |
stplanr |
Cashew Tree Pollen: An Unknown Source of IgE-Reactive Molecules |
2019 |
Danella Figo et al. |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
taxize |
Bottom-up drivers of global patterns of demersal, forage, and pelagic fishes |
2019 |
Petrik et al. |
Progress in Oceanography |
rfishbase |
A Computational Analysis of Natural Languages to Build a Sentence Structure Aware Artificial Neural Network |
2019 |
Calderone |
arXiv |
tokenizers |
Timing and ecological priority shaped the diversification of sedges in the Himalayas |
2019 |
Uzma et al. |
PeerJ |
rgbif |
Important At-Sea Areas of Colonial Breeding Marine Predators on the Southern Patagonian Shelf |
2019 |
Baylis et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rerddap |
Expression Profiling Reveals Involvement of WNT Pathway in the Malignant Progression of Sessile Serrated Adenomas |
2019 |
Nourbakhsh et al. |
The American Journal of Pathology |
plotly |
Data Location Quality at GBIF |
2019 |
Waller |
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards |
CoordinateCleaner |
Environmental DNA reveals landscape mosaic of wetland plant communities |
2019 |
Shackleton et al. |
Global Ecology and Conservation |
rentrez |
Achieving explanatory depth and spatial breadth in infectious disease modelling: Integrating active and passive case surveillance |
2019 |
Nelli et al. |
Statistical Methods in Medical Research |
MODIStsp |
PatientExploreR: an extensible application for dynamic visualization of patient clinical history from electronic health records in the OMOP common data model |
2019 |
Glicksberg et al. |
Bioinformatics |
plotly |
Brain Amyloid PET Tracer Delivery is Related to White Matter Integrity in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment |
2019 |
Brown et al. |
Journal of Neuroimaging |
tacmagic |
Computational Drug Screening Identifies Compounds Targeting Renal Age-associated Molecular Profiles |
2019 |
Koppelstaetter et al. |
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal |
rentrez |
The Evolution of Color Pattern in Butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae |
2019 |
Alfaro et al. |
Integrative and Comparative Biology |
rfishbase |
Life history traits predict colonization and extinction lags of desert plant species since the Last Glacial Maximum |
2019 |
Butterfield et al. |
Ecology |
rgbif, CoordinateCleaner |
Oviductal extracellular vesicles interact with the spermatozoon’s head and mid-piece and improves its motility and fertilizing ability in the domestic cat |
2019 |
Ferraz et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rentrez |
GEDS: A Gene Expression Display Server for mRNAs, miRNAs and Proteins |
2019 |
Xia et al. |
Cells |
plotly |
Assessing the Species in the CARES Preservation Program and the Role of Aquarium Hobbyists in Freshwater Fish Conservation |
2019 |
Valdez & Mandrekar |
rfishbase |
Using ignorance scores to explore biodiversity recording effort for multiple taxa in the Caatinga |
2019 |
Correia et al. |
Ecological Indicators |
rgbif |
Projection Word Embedding Model With Hybrid Sampling Training for Classifying ICD-10-CM Codes: Longitudinal Observational Study |
2019 |
Lin et al. |
JMIR Medical Informatics |
hunspell |
JPhyloIO: a Java library for event-based reading and writing of different phylogenetic file formats through a common interface |
2019 |
Stöver et al. |
BMC Bioinformatics |
Environmental Heterogeneity and Not Vicariant Biogeographic Barriers Generate Community Wide Population Structure in Desert Adapted Snakes |
2019 |
Myers et al. |
Molecular Ecology |
spocc |
Explainable statistical learning in public health for policy development: the case of real-world suicide data |
2019 |
Van Schaik et al. |
BMC medical research methodology |
fingertipsR |
Mountain building, climate cooling and the richness of cold‐adapted plants in the Northern Hemisphere |
2019 |
Hagen et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
taxize |
Therapeutic efficacy of dimethyl fumarate in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis associates with ROS pathway in monocytes |
2019 |
Carlström et al. |
Nature Communications |
plotly |
GMDH2: Binary Classification via GMDH-Type Neural Network Algorithms—R Package and Web-Based Tool |
2019 |
Dag et al. |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems |
plotly |
Macroecology in the age of Big Data – Where to go from here? |
2019 |
Wüest et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
CoordinateCleaner |
A Regionalisation Approach for Rainfall based on Extremal Dependence |
2019 |
Saunders et al. |
arXiv |
rnoaa |
Non‐specific amplification compromises environmental DNA metabarcoding with COI |
2019 |
Collins et al. |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
rentrez, rgbif, bold, rfishbase |
RhythmicAlly: Your R and Shiny–Based Open-Source Ally for the Analysis of Biological Rhythms |
2019 |
Abhilash & Sheeba |
Journal of Biological Rhythms |
plotly |
Immunosenescence in wild animals: meta‐analysis and outlook |
2019 |
Peters et al. |
Ecology Letters |
rotl |
geneHummus: an R package to define gene families and their expression in legumes and beyond |
2019 |
Die et al. |
BMC Genomics |
rentrez |
Random Forest Ability in Regionalizing Hourly Hydrological Model Parameters |
2019 |
Saadi et al. |
Water |
FedData |
Internal Seed Structure of Alpine Plants and Extreme Cold Exposure |
2019 |
Jaganathan & Dalrymple |
Data |
rgbif |
Habitat productivity is a poor predictor of body size in rodents |
2019 |
Alhajeri et al. |
Current Zoology |
taxize |
Build science in Africa |
2019 |
Atickem et al. |
Nature |
rnaturalearth |
Effects of an over-the-counter lactic-acid containing intra-vaginal douching product on the vaginal microbiota |
2019 |
Veer et al. |
BMC Microbiology |
plotly |
dataMaid: Your Assistant for Documenting Supervised Data Quality Screening in R |
2019 |
Petersen & Ekstrøm |
Journal of Statistical Software |
assertr |
False-negative malaria rapid diagnostic test results and their impact on community-based malaria surveys in sub-Saharan Africa |
2019 |
Watson et al. |
BMJ Global Health |
rdhs |
Prospects and challenges of implementing DNA metabarcoding for high-throughput insect surveillance |
2019 |
Piper et al. |
GigaScience |
fulltext, rentrez, bold |
ViSEAGO: a Bioconductor package for clustering biological functions using Gene Ontology and semantic similarity |
2019 |
Brionne et al. |
BioData Mining |
plotly |
Dog days are just starting: the ecology invasion of free-ranging dogs (Canis familiaris) in a protected area of the Atlantic Forest |
2019 |
Zanin et al. |
European Journal of Wildlife Research |
MODISTools |
Nudging consumers for relevant data using Free JAR profiling: an application to product development |
2019 |
Luc et al. |
Food Quality and Preference |
hunspell, spelling |
Sentiment analysis as a measure of conservation culture in scientific literature |
2019 |
Lennox et al. |
Conservation Biology |
rredlist, taxize |
Polyploidy promotes species diversification of Allium through ecological shifts |
2019 |
Han et al. |
New Phytologist |
chromer |
Quantifying trends and uncertainty in prehistoric forest composition in the upper Midwestern United States |
2019 |
Dawson et al. |
Ecology |
rredlist |
Classifying fishing behavioral diversity using high-frequency movement data |
2019 |
O’Farrell et al. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
rerddap |
Biological and environmental drivers of trophic ecology in marine fishes - a global perspective |
2019 |
Hayden et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rgbif, rfishbase |
The influence of phylogeny and ecology on root, shoot and plant ionomes of fourteen native Brazilian species |
2019 |
Neugebauer et al. |
Physiologia Plantarum |
rentrez |
How sensitive are climatic niche inferences to distribution data sampling? A comparison of Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets |
2019 |
Pender et al. |
Ecological Informatics |
spocc, rgbif, CoordinateCleaner |
Food web structure selects for parasite host range |
2019 |
Park |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
rotl |
Reported patterns of pregnancy termination from Demographic and Health Surveys |
2019 |
Sánchez-Páez & Ortega |
rdhs |
Data-based investigation on the performance of an independent Gas turbine for electricity generation using real power measurements and other closely related parameters |
2019 |
Ayodele Benjamin et al. |
Data in Brief |
writexl |
Integrated Meta-omics Reveals a Fungus-Associated Bacteriome and Distinct Functional Pathways in Clostridioides difficile Infection |
2019 |
Stewart et al. |
mSphere |
plotly |
Molecular Portraits of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Identify Clinical and Treatment Response Phenotypes |
2019 |
Lewis et al. |
Cell Reports |
plotly |
Assessing the vulnerability of Australia’s urban forests to climate extremes |
2019 |
Esperon‐Rodriguez et al. |
taxize, rgbif |
Main drivers of freshwater fish diversity across extra-tropical Southern Hemisphere rivers |
2019 |
Lacy et al. |
Hydrobiologia |
rfishbase |
Extracting spatial-temporal features that describe a team match demands when considering the effects of the quality of opposition in elite football |
2019 |
Gonçalves et al. |
plotly |
Cyberinfrastructure and resources to enable an integrative approach to studying forest trees |
2019 |
Wegrzyn et al. |
Evolutionary Applications |
biomartr |
The cost of standing tall: wood nutrients associated with tree invasions in nutrient‐poor fynbos soils of South Africa |
2019 |
Redmond et al. |
Ecosphere |
brranching |
Topic Analysis of UK Fitness to Practise Cases: What Lessons Can Be Learnt? |
2019 |
Hanna & Hanna |
Pharmacy |
pdftools |
Automated extraction of treatment patterns from social media posts: an exploratory analysis in renal cell carcinoma |
2019 |
Ramagopalan et al. |
Future Oncology |
hunspell |
Evaluating the efficacy of small‐scale marine protected areas for preserving reef health: A case study applying emerging monitoring technology |
2019 |
Bayley et al. |
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems |
rfishbase |
Functional implications of dentition-based morphotypes in piscivorous fishes |
2019 |
Mihalitsis & Bellwood |
Royal Society Open Science |
rotl |
Depth habitat of the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma in the northern high latitudes explained by sea-ice and chlorophyll concentrations |
2019 |
Greco et al. |
Biogeosciences |
pangaear |
Concurrent participation in screening for cervical, breast, and bowel cancer in England |
in press |
Rebolj et al. |
Journal of Medical Screening |
fingertipsR |
Reporting gaps between news media and scientific papers on outdoor air pollution–related health outcomes: A content analysis |
2019 |
Sun et al. |
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management |
rAltmetric |
A phylogenomic framework for pelagiarian fishes (Acanthomorpha: Percomorpha) highlights mosaic radiation in the open ocean |
2019 |
Friedman et al. |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
rfishbase |
Illustrating the importance of meta-analysing variances alongside means in ecology and evolution |
2019 |
Sánchez-Tójar et al. |
Center for Open Science |
rotl |
Agriculture erases climate constraints on soil nematode communities across large spatial scales |
2019 |
Li et al. |
Global Change Biology |
rotl |
Assessing Impact of Outreach through Software Citation for Community Software in Geodynamics |
2019 |
Hwang et al. |
Computing in Science & Engineering |
pdftools |
How much research shared on Facebook is hidden from public view? A comparison of public and private online activity around PLOS ONE papers |
2019 |
Enkhbayar et al. |
arXiv |
rplos |
virtualNicheR: generating virtual fundamental and realised niches for use in virtual ecology experiments |
2019 |
Etherington & Omondiagbe |
Journal of Open Source Software |
NLMR, landscapetools |
Homogenization of freshwater lakes: recent compositional shifts in fish communities are explained by gamefish movement and not climate change |
2019 |
Cazelles et al. |
Global Change Biology |
taxize, rfishbase |
Spatio-temporal monitoring and modelling of birch pollen levels in Belgium |
2019 |
Verstraeten et al. |
Aerobiologia |
MODIStsp |
Novel interactions between alien pathogens and native plants increase plant‐pathogen network connectance and decrease specialization |
2019 |
Bufford et al. |
Journal of Ecology |
taxize |
The interconnectedness of the economic content in the speeches of the US Presidents |
2019 |
Cinelli et al. |
Annals of Operations Research |
hunspell |
bamlss: A Lego Toolbox for Flexible Bayesian Regression |
2019 |
Umlauf et al. |
arXiv |
rnaturalearth |
Thirty-six years of legal and illegal wildlife trade entering the USA |
2019 |
Bager Olsen et al. |
Oryx |
rredlist |
Geography is more important than host plant use for the population genetic structure of a generalist insect herbivore |
2019 |
Vidal et al. |
Molecular Ecology |
brranching |
Global distribution and diversity of Chaetoceros (Bacillariophyta, Mediophyceae): integration of classical and novel strategies |
2019 |
De Luca et al. |
PeerJ |
rgbif |
Bayesian ages for pollen records since the last glaciation in North America |
2019 |
Wang et al. |
Scientific Data |
neotoma |
Can we decode phonetic features in inner speech using surface electromyography? |
2019 |
Nalborczyk et al. |
Center for Open Science |
skimr |
The metaRbolomics Toolbox in Bioconductor and beyond |
2019 |
Stanstrup et al. |
Metabolites |
webchem |
A checklist for maximizing reproducibility of ecological niche models |
2019 |
Feng et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
CoordinateCleaner |
Mutualism as a plant functional trait: linking variation in the mycorrhizal symbiosis to climatic tolerance, geographic range and population dynamics |
2019 |
Maherali |
International Journal of Plant Sciences |
rotl |
Spatial quantification to examine the effectiveness of payments for ecosystem services: A case study of Costa Rica’s Pago de Servicios Ambientales |
2020 |
Havinga et al. |
Ecological Indicators |
rgbif |
An inverse latitudinal gradient in infection probability and phylogenetic diversity for Leucocytozoon blood parasites in New World birds |
2019 |
Fecchio et al. |
Journal of Animal Ecology |
MODISTools |
Global wildlife trade across the tree of life |
2019 |
Scheffers et al. |
Science |
rredlist |
Homogenization of a combined hourly air temperature dataset over Romania |
2019 |
Dumitrescu et al. |
International Journal of Climatology |
rnoaa |
MODIS 대기자료를 활용한 남북한 기상관측소에서의 냉방도일 추정 |
2019 |
Yoo et al. |
한국농림기상학회지 |
MODIStsp |
Cultural Evolution of Sustainable Behaviours: Pro-Environmental Tipping Points in an Agent-Based Model |
2019 |
Kaaronen & Strelkovskii |
Center for Open Science |
nlrx |
When context matters: Spatial prediction models of environmental conditions can identify target areas for wild bee habitat management interventions |
2020 |
Sydenham et al. |
Landscape and Urban Planning |
taxize |
Phytosociological data and herbarium collections show congruent large scale patterns but differ in their local descriptions of community composition |
2019 |
Bottin et al. |
Journal of Vegetation Science |
taxize |
GENAVi: a shiny web application for gene expression normalization, analysis and visualization |
2019 |
Reyes et al. |
BMC Genomics |
iheatmapr |
Characterization of Salmonella Dublin isolated from bovine and human hosts |
2019 |
Paudyal et al. |
BMC Microbiology |
treeio |
Extensive mismatches between species distributions and performance and their relationship to functional traits |
2019 |
Bohner & Diez |
Ecology Letters |
brranching |
Patterns and variation in the mammal parasite–glucorticoid relationship |
2019 |
Defolie et al. |
Biological Reviews |
rotl |
Creating and sharing reproducible research code the workflowr way |
2019 |
Blischak et al. |
F1000Research |
git2r |
Text‐analysis reveals taxonomic and geographic disparities in animal pollination literature |
2019 |
Millard et al. |
Ecography |
taxize |
A pilot study of the performance of captive‐reared delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus in a semi‐natural environment |
2019 |
Hung et al. |
Journal of Fish Biology |
taxize |
Environmental and biotic drivers of soil microbial β‐diversity across spatial and phylogenetic scales |
2019 |
Chalmandrier et al. |
Ecography |
taxize |
Characterization of two‐dimensional materials from Raman spectral data |
2019 |
Mishra & Narayan Tripathi |
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy |
rplos, rcrossref, fulltext |
Semantic Network Analysis (SemNA): A Tutorial on Preprocessing, Estimating, and Analyzing Semantic Networks |
2019 |
Christensen & Kenett |
Center for Open Science |
hunspell |
Assessment of Winter Barley in Minnesota: Relationships among Cultivar, Fall Seeding Date, Winter Survival, and Grain Yield |
2019 |
Zhong et al. |
Cftm |
rnoaa |
Creating a Reliable Mass Spectral–Retention Time Library for All Ion Fragmentation-Based Metabolomics |
2019 |
Tada et al. |
Metabolites |
webchem |
A near-full-length HIV-1 |
2019 |
Gryseels et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
taxize |
A Genome-Based Species Taxonomy of the Lactobacillus Genus Complex |
2019 |
Wittouck et al. |
mSystems |
rentrez |
Technology opportunity discovery by structuring user needs based on natural language processing and machine learning |
2019 |
Roh et al. |
RSelenium |
Where are all the moms? External fertilization predicts the rise of male parental care in bony fishes |
2019 |
Benun Sutton & Wilson |
Evolution |
rfishbase |
Making reference solar forecasts with climatology, persistence, and their optimal convex combination |
2019 |
Yang |
Solar Energy |
camsRad |
Moss occurrences in Yugyd Va National Park, Subpolar and Northern Urals, European North-East Russia |
2019 |
Zheleznova et al. |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
taxize |
A method for computing hourly, historical, terrain‐corrected microclimate anywhere on earth |
2019 |
Kearney et al. |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
rnoaa |
Transcriptome Ortholog Alignment Sequence Tools (TOAST) for Phylogenomic Dataset Assembly |
2019 |
Dornburg et al. |
Research Square |
rentrez |
Complex responses of phototrophic communities to climate warming during the Holocene of northeastern Ontario, Canada |
2019 |
Elmslie et al. |
The Holocene |
neotoma |
Tradeoffs in the value of biodiversity feature and cost data in conservation prioritization |
2019 |
Rodewald et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rnaturalearth |
Annual estimates of occupancy for bryophytes, lichens and invertebrates in the UK, 1970–2015 |
2019 |
Outhwaite et al. |
Scientific Data |
taxize |
Community-level respiration of prokaryotic microbes may rise with global warming |
2019 |
Smith et al. |
Nature Communications |
taxize |
Assessing climate change and adaptive capacity at local scale using observed and remotely sensed data |
2019 |
Mpandeli et al. |
Weather and Climate Extremes |
MODIStsp |
Using an ensemble modelling approach to predict the potential distribution of Himalayan gray goral (Naemorhedus goral bedfordi) in Pakistan |
2020 |
Ahmad et al. |
Global Ecology and Conservation |
rgbif |
Phenology responses of temperate butterflies to latitude depend on ecological traits |
2019 |
Faltýnek Fric et al. |
Ecology Letters |
rgbif |
Did the Black Panther Movie Make Blacks Blacker? Examining Black Racial Identity on Twitter Before and After the Black Panther Movie Release |
2019 |
Firmansyah & Jones |
Social Informatics |
rtweet |
Species Richness and Taxonomic Distinctness of Zooplankton in Ponds and Small Lakes from Albania and North Macedonia: The Role of Bioclimatic Factors |
2019 |
Mancinelli et al. |
Water |
taxize |
Using vertebrate environmental DNA from seawater in biomonitoring of marine habitats |
2019 |
Sigsgaard et al. |
Conservation Biology |
taxize |
Asymmetric patterns of global diversity among plants and mycorrhizal fungi |
2019 |
Toussaint et al. |
Journal of Vegetation Science |
taxize |
The Scaling of Genome Size and Cell Size Limits Maximum Rates of Photosynthesis with Implications for Ecological Strategies |
2019 |
Roddy et al. |
International Journal of Plant Sciences |
brranching |
Spatial distribution of agricultural pesticide use and predicted wetland exposure in the Canadian Prairie Pothole Region |
2019 |
Malaj et al. |
Science of The Total Environment |
webchem |
Environmental hazards, rigid institutions, and transformative change: How drought affects the consideration of water and climate impacts in infrastructure management |
2019 |
Ulibarri & Scott |
Global Environmental Change |
pdftools, tokenizers |
Neogene paleoecology and biogeography of a Malvoid pollen in northwestern South America |
2020 |
Espinosa et al. |
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology |
CoordinateCleaner |
Inferring the mammal tree: Species-level sets of phylogenies for questions in ecology, evolution, and conservation |
2019 |
Upham et al. |
PLOS Biology |
magick |
BDcleaner: A workflow for cleaning taxonomic and geographic errors in occurrence data archived in biodiversity databases |
2020 |
Jin & Yang |
Global Ecology and Conservation |
taxize, taxizedb, CoordinateCleaner, scrubr |
A third of the tropical African flora is potentially threatened with extinction |
2019 |
Stévart et al. |
Science Advances |
rredlist, rgbif |
Lessepsian fish invasion in Mediterranean marine protected areas: a risk assessment under climate change scenarios |
2019 |
D’Amen & Azzurro |
ICES Journal of Marine Science |
rgbif |
Biogeography and conservation status of the pineapple family (Bromeliaceae |
2019 |
Zizka et al. |
Diversity and Distributions |
CoordinateCleaner |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of urbanization and cropland in the Nile Delta of Egypt using machine learning and satellite big data: implications for sustainable development |
2019 |
Badreldin et al. |
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment |
MODIStsp |
Using Social Media to Uncover Treatment Experiences and Decisions in Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia or Myelodysplastic Syndrome Who Are Ineligible for Intensive Chemotherapy: Patient-Centric Qualitative Data Analysis |
2019 |
Booth et al. |
Journal of Medical Internet Research |
hunspell |
From hunter-gatherers to nomadic pastoralists: forager bands do not tell the whole story of the evolution of human cooperation |
2019 |
Næss |
Center for Open Science |
rnaturalearth |
Antigen presentation and tumor immunogenicity in cancer immunotherapy response prediction |
2019 |
Wang et al. |
eLife |
UCSCXenaTools |
Predicting recruitment density dependence and intrinsic growth rate for all fishes worldwide using a data‐integrated life‐history model |
2019 |
Thorson |
Fish and Fisheries |
rfishbase |
Predator responses to fire: A global systematic review and meta‐analysis |
2020 |
Geary et al. |
Journal of Animal Ecology |
taxize |
Ensemble modeling of the potential distribution of the whale shark in the Atlantic Ocean |
2019 |
Báez et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
spocc |
Species occurrence of ticks in South America, and interactions with biotic and abiotic traits |
2019 |
Estrada-Peña et al. |
Scientific Data |
MODIStsp, rotl |
TOFF, a database of traits of fish to promote advances in fish aquaculture |
2019 |
Lecocq et al. |
Scientific Data |
rfishbase |
Can we justify producing univariate machine-learning forecasts with satellite-derived solar irradiance? |
2019 |
Yagli et al. |
Applied Energy |
camsRad |
The SMART App: an interactive web application for comprehensive DNA methylation analysis and visualization |
2019 |
Li et al. |
Epigenetics & Chromatin |
UCSCXenaTools |
Releasing a preprint is associated with more attention and citations for the peer-reviewed article |
2019 |
Fu & Hughey |
eLife |
rcrossref, rentrez, rAltmetric |
Ray fractions and carbohydrate dynamics of tree species along a 2750 m elevation gradient indicate climate response, not spatial storage limitation |
2020 |
Godfrey et al. |
New Phytologist |
rotl |
Extinction filters mediate the global effects of habitat fragmentation on animals |
2019 |
Betts et al. |
Science |
NLMR, landscapetools |
Higher frequency of vertebrate‐infecting viruses in the gut of infants born to mothers with type 1 diabetes |
2020 |
Kim et al. |
Pediatric Diabetes |
iheatmapr |
Forecasting mussel settlement using historical data and boosted regression trees |
2019 |
Atalah & Forrest |
Aquaculture Environment Interactions |
clifro |
TEffectR: an R package for studying the potential effects of transposable elements on gene expression with linear regression model |
2019 |
Karakülah et al. |
PeerJ |
biomartr |
Distribution Modelling of Porites (Poritidae) in Indonesia |
2019 |
Yusri et al. |
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
rgbif |
Nonlinear population dynamics are ubiquitous in animals |
2019 |
Clark & Luis |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
rotl |
High land-use intensity in grasslands constrains wild bee species richness in Europe |
2020 |
Ekroos et al. |
Biological Conservation |
rgbif |
A data and text mining pipeline to annotate human mitochondrial variants with functional and clinical information |
2019 |
Vitale et al. |
Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine |
rentrez, fulltext |
The Sentiment Analysis of Tweets as a New Tool to Measure Public Perception of Male Erectile and Ejaculatory Dysfunctions |
2019 |
Sansone et al. |
Sexual Medicine |
rtweet |
Using a Chord Diagram to Visualize Dynamics in Contraceptive Use: Bringing Data Into Practice |
2019 |
Finnegan et al. |
Global Health: Science and Practice |
rdhs |
Neuroanatomical profiles of treatment-resistance in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders |
2020 |
Kim et al. |
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry |
chlorpromazineR |
Data Validation Infrastructure for R |
2019 |
Loo & Jonge |
arXiv |
assertr |
Exploring snake occurrence records: Spatial biases and marginal gains from accessible social media |
2019 |
Marshall & Strine |
PeerJ |
rgbif, taxize, CoordinateCleaner, rnaturalearth |
Invisible brokers: “citizen science” on Twitter |
2019 |
Tancoigne |
Journal of Science Communication |
rtweet |
Quantifying the Bicycle Share Gender Gap |
2019 |
Hosford & Winters |
Transport Findings |
bikedata |
Defining and evaluating microbial contributions to metabolite variation in microbiome-metabolome association studies |
2019 |
Noecker et al. |
mSystems |
biomartr |
Datataxa: a new script to extract metadata sequence information from GenBank, the Flora of Bajío as a case study |
2019 |
Ruiz-Sanchez et al. |
Botanical Sciences |
restez, phylotaR |
Approaches to Mormon Identity and Practice in the #ldsconf Twitter Hashtag |
2019 |
Greenhalgh et al. |
Journal of Media and Religion |
rtweet |
GeneHummus: A pipeline to define gene families and their expression in legumes and beyond |
2018 |
Die et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rentrez |
Visualisation of Brain Statistics with R-packages ggseg and ggseg3d |
2019 |
Mowinckel & Vidal-Piñeiro |
arXiv |
magick |
Phytochemicals Involved in Plant Resistance to Leporids and Cervids: a Systematic Review |
2019 |
Champagne et al. |
Journal of Chemical Ecology |
taxize |
Global‐scale species distributions predict temperature‐related changes in species composition of rocky shore communities in Britain |
2020 |
Burrows et al. |
Global Change Biology |
taxize |
Flower traits, habitat, and phylogeny as predictors of pollinator service: a plant community perspective |
2020 |
Herrera |
Ecological Monographs |
brranching |
Epibionts associated with floating Sargassum horneri in the Korea Strait |
2019 |
Kim et al. |
taxize |
Assessment of pre-treatment and classification methods for Java paddy field cropping pattern detection on MODIS images |
2020 |
Fatikhunnada et al. |
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment |
MODIStsp |
Species‐level image classification with convolutional neural network enables insect identification from habitus images |
2019 |
Hansen et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
taxize |
Differential patterns of floristic phylogenetic diversity across a post‐glacial landscape |
2019 |
Mienna et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
rgbif |
Palynological analysis of dental calculus from Pleistocene proboscideans of southern Brazil: A new approach for paleodiet and paleoenvironmental reconstructions |
2020 |
Asevedo et al. |
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology |
CoordinateCleaner |
Identifying predictors of personal exposure to air temperature in peri-urban India |
2020 |
Milà et al. |
Science of The Total Environment |
riem, rtimicropem |
Modeling interbasin groundwater flow in karst areas: Model development, application, and calibration strategy |
2020 |
Nguyen et al. |
Environmental Modelling & Software |
MODISTools |
Fluvial and oceanographic influences on suspended sediment dispersal in the Magdalena River Estuary |
2020 |
Torregroza-Espinosa et al. |
Journal of Marine Systems |
MODISTools |
Mapping suitability for rice production in inland valley landscapes in Benin and Togo using environmental niche modeling |
2020 |
Akpoti et al. |
Science of The Total Environment |
MODIStsp |
If I give you my emotion, what do I get? Conceptualizing and measuring the co-created emotional value of the brand |
2020 |
Mingione et al. |
Journal of Business Research |
rtweet |
Integrating univariate niche dynamics in species distribution models: A step forward for marine research on biological invasions |
2019 |
D’Amen & Azzurro |
Journal of Biogeography |
rgbif |
The interactome and proteomic responses of ALKBH7 in cell lines by in-depth proteomics analysis |
2019 |
Meng et al. |
Proteome Science |
iheatmapr |
Climate: An R Package to Access Free In-Situ Meteorological and Hydrological Datasets For Environmental Assessment |
2020 |
Czernecki et al. |
Sustainability |
rnaturalearth |
Spaceflight and simulated microgravity suppresses macrophage development via altered RAS/ERK/NFκB and metabolic pathways |
2020 |
Shi et al. |
Cellular & Molecular Immunology |
iheatmapr |
Fruit resource provisioning for avian frugivores: The overlooked side of effectiveness in seed dispersal mutualisms |
2020 |
Quintero et al. |
Journal of Ecology |
taxize |
Mediterranean marine protected areas have higher biodiversity via increased evenness, not abundance |
2020 |
Blowes et al. |
Journal of Applied Ecology |
rfishbase |
Innovative Approaches in Sports Science—Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis as a Tool to Analyze Sports-Related Twitter Communication |
2020 |
Wunderlich & Memmert |
Applied Sciences |
rtweet |
Sympatric competitors have driven the evolution of temporal activity patterns in Cnemaspis geckos in Southeast Asia |
2020 |
Nguyen et al. |
Scientific Reports |
MODISTools |
A deep dive into the ancestral chromosome number of flowering plants |
2020 |
Carta et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
chromer |
Unveiling geographical gradients of species richness from scant occurrence data |
2020 |
Alves et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
rgbif |
Curriculum and labor market: Comparative analysis of the curricular outcomes of the study program in sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and the required competences in the labor market |
2019 |
Jaric & Djeric |
Sociologija |
cld2, textreuse |
Related plants tend to share pollinators and herbivores, but strength of phylogenetic signal varies among plant families |
2020 |
Cirtwill et al. |
New Phytologist |
taxize |
RAD sequencing resolves the phylogeny, taxonomy and biogeography of Trichophoreae despite a recent rapid radiation (Cyperaceae |
2020 |
Léveillé-Bourret et al. |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
rgbif, CoordinateCleaner |
Quality and usability challenges of global marine biodiversity databases: An example for marine mammal data |
2020 |
Moudrý & Devillers |
Ecological Informatics |
CoordinateCleaner |
Sentiment analysis of real-world migraine tweets for population research |
2020 |
Deng et al. |
Cephalalgia Reports |
hunspell |
Considerations in adapting CRISPR/Cas9 in nongenetic model plant systems |
2020 |
Shan et al. |
Applications in Plant Sciences |
rotl |
Selection for increased male size predicts variation in sexual size dimorphism among fish species |
2020 |
Horne et al. |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
rotl |
Pathogenicity of human mtDNA variants is revealed by combining a novel phylogenetic analysis with machine learning |
2020 |
Akpınar et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
taxize |
Moving infections: individual movement decisions drive disease persistence in spatially structured landscapes |
2020 |
Scherer et al. |
Oikos |
NLMR, landscapetools |
Migratory lineages rapidly evolve larger body sizes than non-migratory relatives in ray-finned fishes |
2020 |
Burns & Bloom |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
rfishbase |
Should I shrink or should I flow? – body size adjustment to thermo-oxygenic niche |
2020 |
Walczyńska et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rotl |
Maximum CO2 diffusion inside leaves is limited by the scaling of cell size and genome size |
2020 |
Théroux-Rancourt et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
brranching |
Orchid conservation and research: An analysis of gaps and priorities for globally Red Listed species |
2020 |
Wraith et al. |
Ambio |
rgbif |
Diatoms Are Selective Segregators in Global Ocean Planktonic Communities |
2020 |
Vincent & Bowler |
mSystems |
rglobi |
Molecular epidemiology of clinically high‐risk Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains: Practical overview |
2020 |
Sawa et al. |
Microbiology and Immunology |
phylogram |
Habitat use, interspecific competition and phylogenetic history shape the evolution of claw and toepad morphology in Lesser Antillean anoles |
2020 |
Yuan et al. |
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
MODISTools |
Trade‐offs with telemetry‐derived contact networks for infectious disease studies in wildlife |
2020 |
Gilbertson et al. |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
spatsoc |
Rapid Least Concern: towards automating Red List assessments |
2020 |
Bachman et al. |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
taxize, wicket, rgbif |
distantia: an open‐source toolset to quantify dissimilarity between multivariate ecological time‐series |
2020 |
Benito & Birks |
Ecography |
MODISTools |
The Rhinella arenarum transcriptome: de novo assembly, annotation and gene prediction |
2020 |
Ceschin et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rgbif |
Web-based Visualization of Daily Mobility Patterns in R |
2019 |
Schmidt et al. |
International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology |
geojsonio |
Effects of Antibiotic Pretreatment of an Ulcerative Colitis-Derived Fecal Microbial Community on the Integration of Therapeutic Bacteria In Vitro |
2020 |
Oliphant et al. |
mSystems |
rentrez |
Measuring the inequality of accessible trams in Melbourne |
2020 |
Lope & Dolgun |
Journal of Transport Geography |
pdftools |
Pre-Columbian zoonotic enteric parasites: An insight into Puerto Rican indigenous culture diets and life styles |
2020 |
Wiscovitch-Russo et al. |
HelminthR, rglobi |
The Rockerverse: Packages and Applications for Containerization with R |
2020 |
Nüst et al. |
arXiv |
RSelenium |
RGISTools: Downloading, Customizing |
2020 |
Pérez-Goya et al. |
arXiv |
MODIStsp, MODISTools |
Does Sure Start spending improve school readiness? An ecological longitudinal study |
2020 |
Senior |
Center for Open Science |
fingertipsR |
A system wide approach to managing zoo collections for visitor attendance and in situ conservation |
2020 |
Mooney et al. |
Nature Communications |
taxize |
Towards a global understanding of the drivers of marine and terrestrial biodiversity |
2020 |
Gagné et al. |
taxize |
Living in polluted waters: A meta-analysis of the effects of nitrate and interactions with other environmental stressors on freshwater taxa |
2020 |
Gomez Isaza et al. |
Environmental Pollution |
rotl |
Social dimension activates the usage and academic impact of Open Access publications in Andean countries: a structural modeling-based approach |
2020 |
Vílchez-Román et al. |
Information Development |
rplos |
Quantitative interactions drive Botrytis cinerea disease outcome across the plant kingdom |
2020 |
Caseys et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
iheatmapr |
Mapping patterns of abiotic and biotic stress resilience uncovers conservation gaps and breeding potential of Vigna wild relatives |
2020 |
Van Zonneveld et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rgbif |
netGO: R-Shiny package for network-integrated pathway enrichment analysis |
2020 |
Kim et al. |
Bioinformatics |
biomartr |
Expansion of known ssRNA phage genomes: From tens to over a thousand |
2020 |
Callanan et al. |
Science Advances |
treeio |
Iron metabolic pathways in the processes of sponge plasticity |
2020 |
Finoshin et al. |
rotl |
The impact of the Pull of the Recent on extant elasmobranchs |
2020 |
Pimiento & Benton |
Palaeontology |
paleobioDB, rfishbase |
Distribution of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi, 1790) throughout the Iberian Peninsula based on a maximum entropy modeling approach |
2020 |
Benhadi‐Marín et al. |
Annals of Applied Biology |
rgbif |
Metaphylogenetic analysis of global sewage reveals that bacterial strains associated with human disease show less degree of geographic clustering |
2020 |
Ahrenfeldt et al. |
Scientific Reports |
treeio |
Generalized rich-club ordering in networks |
2019 |
Cinelli |
Journal of Complex Networks |
hunspell |
Potential reduction of Hartweg ́s Pine (Pinus hartwegii Lindl.) geographic distribution |
2020 |
Alfaro-Ramírez et al. |
CoordinateCleaner |
Unstable crop yields reveal opportunities for site-specific adaptations to climate variability |
2020 |
Martinez-Feria & Basso |
Scientific Reports |
FedData |
Diversity of Bacterial Biosynthetic Genes in Maritime Antarctica |
2020 |
Rego et al. |
Microorganisms |
rnaturalearth |
Life under an oil slick: response of a freshwater food web to simulated spills of diluted bitumen in field mesocosms |
2020 |
Cederwall et al. |
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
taxize |
A reference transcriptome for the early-branching fern Botrychium lunaria enables fine-grained resolution of population structure |
2020 |
Mossion et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
taxize |
A Framework for Applying Natural Language Processing in Digital Health Interventions |
2020 |
Funk et al. |
Journal of Medical Internet Research |
hunspell |
RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq) Reveals Extremely Low Levels of Reticulocyte-Derived Globin Gene Transcripts in Peripheral Blood From Horses (Equus caballus) and Cattle (Bos taurus |
2018 |
Correia et al. |
Frontiers in Genetics |
skimr |
Patterns in research and data sharing for the study of form and function in caviomorph rodents |
2020 |
Verde Arregoitia et al. |
Journal of Mammalogy |
taxize, pdftools |
Impact assessment of seven alien invasive bird species already introduced to South Africa |
2020 |
Shivambu et al. |
Biological Invasions |
rgbif |
On the Matrix Condition of Phylogenetic Tree |
2020 |
Jhwueng & O’Meara |
Evolutionary Bioinformatics |
rotl |
Ecological distinctiveness of birds and mammals at the global scale |
2020 |
Cooke et al. |
Global Ecology and Conservation |
rredlist |
An Ontological Analysis and Natural Language Processing of Figures of Speech |
2020 |
Panayiotou |
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications |
rdflib |
Large-scale Quantification of Vertebrate Biodiversity in Ailaoshan Nature Reserve from Leech iDNA |
2020 |
Ji et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rredlist |
Substantially adaptive potential in polyploid cyprinid fishes: evidence from biogeographic, phylogenetic and genomic studies |
2020 |
Li & Guo |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
rgbif |
Revisiting reptile home ranges: moving beyond traditional estimators with dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Models |
2020 |
Silva et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
NLMR, landscapetools |
moveVis: Animating movement trajectories in synchronicity with static or temporally dynamic environmental data in R |
2020 |
Schwalb‐Willmann et al. |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
magick |
Cheating in arbuscular mycorrhizal mutualism: a network and phylogenetic analysis of mycoheterotrophy |
2020 |
Perez‐Lamarque et al. |
New Phytologist |
rotl |
Ecological strategies begin at germination: Traits, plasticity and survival in the first 4 days of plant life |
2020 |
Larson et al. |
Functional Ecology |
brranching |
Do bipartite binary antagonistic and mutualistic networks have different responses to the taxonomic resolution of nodes? Ecological Entomology |
2020 |
Rodrigues & Boscolo |
Ecological Entomology |
taxize |
Global determinants of freshwater and marine fish genetic diversity |
2020 |
Manel et al. |
Nature Communications |
rfishbase |
Experimental hybridization studies suggest that pleiotropic alleles commonly underlie adaptive divergence between natural populations |
2020 |
Thompson |
The American Naturalist |
taxize, rentrez |
30% land conservation and climate action reduces tropical extinction risk by more than 50%. Ecography |
2020 |
Hannah et al. |
Ecography |
rgbif |
Substantial Antigenic Drift in the Hemagglutinin Protein of Swine Influenza A Viruses |
2020 |
Ryt-Hansen et al. |
Viruses |
treeio |
Barriers to coexistence limit the poleward range of a globally-distributed plant |
2020 |
Armitage & Jones |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
CoordinateCleaner |
Do major host shifts spark diversification in butterflies? |
2020 |
Kaczvinsky & Hardy |
Ecology and Evolution |
taxize |
Transitions between biomes are common and directional in Bombacoideae (Malvaceae |
2020 |
Zizka et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
taxize, rgbif, CoordinateCleaner |
Comparative drought resistance of temperate grassland species: testing performance trade-offs and the relation to distribution |
2020 |
Jung et al. |
Oecologia |
rgbif |
Tunicate bulb size variation in monocots explained by temperature and phenology |
2020 |
Howard & Cellinese |
Ecology and Evolution |
rgbif |
High correlation of species diversity patterns between specialist herbivorous insects and their specific hosts |
2020 |
Du et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
rgbif |
Applied R in the Classroom |
2020 |
Long & Turner |
Australian Economic Review |
skimr |
Current and future global potential distribution of the fruit fly Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae |
2020 |
Reyes & Lira-Noriega |
The Canadian Entomologist |
spocc |
Shark movements in the Revillagigedo Archipelago and connectivity with the Eastern Tropical Pacific |
2020 |
Lara-Lizardi et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
osmdata |
Unsupervised modeling anomaly detection in discussion forums posts using global vectors for text representation |
2020 |
Cichosz |
Natural Language Engineering |
hunspell |
Global distribution of coral diversity: Biodiversity knowledge gradients related to spatial resolution |
2020 |
Kusumoto et al. |
Ecological Research |
rgbif |
Developmental cost theory predicts thermal environment and vulnerability to global warming |
2020 |
Marshall et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
rotl |
Integration of single nucleotide variants and whole-genome DNA methylation profiles for classification of rheumatoid arthritis cases from controls |
2020 |
Amiri Roudbar et al. |
Heredity |
rsnps |
Stress priming affects fungal competition – evidence from a combined experimental and modeling study |
2020 |
Wesener et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
nlrx |
2020 |
Deribe et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
opencage |
Global gut content data synthesis and phylogeny delineate reef fish trophic guilds |
2020 |
Parravicini et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rfishbase |
Estimating Current and Future Rainfall Erosivity in Greece Using Regional Climate Models and Spatial Quantile Regression Forests |
2020 |
Vantas et al. |
Water |
hydroscoper |
Three quarters of new criminological knowledge is hidden from policy makers |
2020 |
Ashby |
Center for Open Science |
roadoi, rromeo |
Using ggtree to Visualize Data on Tree‐Like Structures |
2020 |
Yu |
Current Protocols in Bioinformatics |
treeio |
nosoi: a stochastic agent-based transmission chain simulation framework in R |
2020 |
Lequime et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
treeio |
Pollinator niche partitioning and asymmetric facilitation contribute to the maintenance of diversity |
2020 |
Wei et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rotl |
Modeling the Popularity of Twitter Hashtags with Master Equations |
2020 |
Fontanelli & Mansilla |
arXiv |
rtweet |
A modeling workflow that balances automation and human intervention to inform invasive plant management decisions at multiple spatial scales |
2020 |
Young et al. |
taxize, rgbif, rbison |
A permutation test and spatial cross-validation approach to assess models of interspecific competition between trees |
2020 |
Allen & Kim |
rotl |
Assessing the Risk of Car Crashes in Road Networks |
2020 |
Borgoni et al. |
Social Indicators Research |
osmdata |
Identification of Trends in the Polish Media on the Example of the Quarterly Studia Medioznawcze The Use of Big Data Tools |
2020 |
Pruchnik |
Media Studies |
hunspell |
Egyptian Rousette IFN-ω Subtypes Elicit Distinct Antiviral Effects and Transcriptional Responses in Conspecific Cells |
2020 |
Pavlovich et al. |
Frontiers in Immunology |
rentrez |
Rise of the Machines? Examining the Influence of Social Bots on a Political Discussion Network |
2020 |
Hagen et al. |
Social Science Computer Review |
rtweet |
On new data sources for the production of official statistics |
2020 |
Salgado & Oancea |
arXiv |
RSelenium |
A database of freshwater fish species of the Amazon Basin |
2020 |
Jézéquel et al. |
Scientific Data |
rfishbase |
Developing Standards for Improved Data Quality and for Selecting Fit for Use Biodiversity Data |
2020 |
Chapman et al. |
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards |
rgbif |
Fast and automated sensory analysis: Using natural language processing for descriptive lexicon development |
2020 |
Hamilton & Lahne |
Food Quality and Preference |
hunspell |
sen2r”: An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing Sentinel-2 satellite data |
2020 |
Ranghetti et al. |
Computers & Geosciences |
geojsonio |
Poor condition promotes high-risk behaviours but context-dependency is key: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
2020 |
Moran et al. |
EcoEvoRxiv |
rotl |
Expression and Localization of Kcne2 in the Vertebrate Retina |
2020 |
Lindner et al. |
Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science |
rotl |
Characterization of the chromatin accessibility in an Alzheimer’s disease (AD) mouse model |
2020 |
Wang et al. |
Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy |
iheatmapr |
Analysis of Dual Class I Histone Deacetylase and Lysine Demethylase Inhibitor Domatinostat (4SC-202) on Growth and Cellular and Genomic Landscape of Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid |
2020 |
Hoffman et al. |
Cancers |
ijtiff |
Efficient Bayesian Inference of General Gaussian Models on Large Phylogenetic Trees |
2020 |
Bastide et al. |
arXiv |
treeio |
Visualizing 50 Years of Cancer Mortality Rates Across the US at Multiple Geographic Levels Using a Synchronized Map and Graph Animation |
2020 |
Michaels et al. |
Preventing Chronic Disease |
magick |
Risk communication in tables versus text: a registered report randomized trial on “fact boxes |
2020 |
Brick et al. |
Royal Society Open Science |
assertr |
Choice of clear-sky model in solar forecasting |
2020 |
Yang |
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy |
camsRad |
The ghosts of forests past and future: deforestation and botanical sampling in the Brazilian Amazon |
2020 |
Stropp et al. |
Ecography |
rgbif |
20-MAD--20 Years of Issues and Commits of Mozilla and Apache Development |
2020 |
Claes & Mäntylä |
arXiv |
tokenizers |
Trait velocities reveal that mortality has driven widespread coordinated shifts in forest hydraulic trait composition |
2020 |
Trugman et al. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
brranching |
Mixture Touch: A Web Platform for the Evaluation of Complex Chemical Mixtures |
2020 |
Zushi et al. |
ACS Omega |
webchem |
Vocal learning: Beyond the continuum |
2020 |
Martins & Boeckx |
PLOS Biology |
taxize |
Synchronic and diachronic strategies of mora preservation in Gújjolaay Eegimaa |
2020 |
Hantgan-Sonko |
Journal of African Languages and Literatures |
lingtypology |
The relationship between bioRxiv preprints, citations and altmetrics |
2020 |
Fraser et al. |
Quantitative Science Studies |
RSelenium, rcrossref |
Replacements of small- by large-ranged species scale up to diversity loss in Europe’s temperate forest biome |
2020 |
Staude et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
scrubr |
Latitudinal patterns of species richness and range size of ferns along elevational gradients at the transition from tropics to subtropics |
2020 |
Hernández‐Rojas et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
rgbif |
Shoot flammability of vascular plants is phylogenetically conserved and related to habitat fire-proneness and growth form |
2020 |
Cui et al. |
Nature Plants |
rotl |
Optimization of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) for characterizing land plants from soil |
2020 |
Timpano et al. |
taxize |
Molecular crosstalk between the endophyte Paraconiothyrium variabile and the phytopathogen Fusarium oxysporum – Modulation of lipoxygenase activity and beauvericin production during the interaction |
2020 |
Bärenstrauch et al. |
Fungal Genetics and Biology |
rentrez |
Commuting inequity and its determinants in Shanghai: New findings from big-data analytics |
2020 |
Zhao & Cao |
Transport Policy |
stplanr |
Spatial phylogenetics of the North American flora |
2020 |
Mishler et al. |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
taxize |
Short Index of Job Satisfaction: Validity evidence from Portugal and Brazil |
2020 |
Sinval & Marôco |
skimr |
Relationships between survival and habitat suitability of semi‐aquatic mammals |
2020 |
Barela et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
MODIStsp |
Phylogeography and species distribution modeling reveal a historic disjunction for the conifer Podocarpus lambertii |
2020 |
Bernardi et al. |
Tree Genetics & Genomes |
CoordinateCleaner |
Human access impacts biodiversity of microscopic animals in sandy beaches |
2020 |
Martínez et al. |
Communications Biology |
rentrez |
Suggestions for Improving Invited Speaker Diversity To Reflect Trainee Diversity |
2020 |
Hagan et al. |
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education |
pdftools |
Ten questions concerning the microbiomes of buildings |
2016 |
Adams et al. |
Building and Environment |
nlrx |
Harmonised global datasets of wind and solar farm locations and power |
2020 |
Dunnett et al. |
Scientific Data |
osmdata |
Disease Ecology of Rickettsial Species: A Data Science Approach |
2020 |
Morand et al. |
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease |
rotl |
Use and abuse of dietary supplements in persons with diabetes |
2020 |
Hannon et al. |
Nutrition & Diabetes |
RSelenium |
Rocket Science: The Effect of Spaceflight on Germination Physiology, Ageing, and Transcriptome of Eruca sativa Seeds |
2020 |
Chandler et al. |
Life |
taxize |
Identifying multiple learning spaces within a single teacher-focused Twitter hashtag |
2020 |
Greenhalgh et al. |
Computers & Education |
rtweet |
Population variability under stressors is dependent on body mass growth and asymptotic body size |
2020 |
Färber et al. |
Royal Society Open Science |
rfishbase |
Yearling proportion correlates with habitat structure in a boreal forest landbird community |
2020 |
Pyle et al. |
PeerJ |
MODISTools |
Niche Models Differentiate Potential Impacts of Two Aquatic Invasive Plant Species on Native Macrophytes |
2020 |
Verhoeven et al. |
Diversity |
taxize |
Remdesivir: A Review of Its Discovery and Development Leading to Emergency Use Authorization for Treatment of COVID-19 |
2020 |
Eastman et al. |
ACS Central Science |
rnaturalearth |
Interaction of Plastics with Marine Species |
2020 |
Ozturk & Altinok |
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
rnaturalearth |
Emergence of diverse and specialized knowledge in a metropolitan tech cluster |
2020 |
DellaPosta & Nee |
Social Science Research |
hunspell |
A taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional comparison of restoration seed mixes and historical plant communities in Midwestern oak savannas |
2020 |
Ladwig et al. |
Forest Ecology and Management |
taxize |
A critical assessment of human-impact indices based on anthropogenic pollen indicators |
2020 |
Deza-Araujo et al. |
Quaternary Science Reviews |
neotoma |
Worldwide validation of 8 satellite-derived and reanalysis solar radiation products: A preliminary evaluation and overall metrics for hourly data over 27 years. Solar Energy |
2020 |
Yang & Bright |
Solar Energy |
camsRad |
How much research shared on Facebook happens outside of public pages and groups? A comparison of public and private online activity around PLOS ONE papers |
2020 |
Enkhbayar et al. |
Quantitative Science Studies |
rplos |
Potential impact of chemical stress on freshwater invertebrates: A sensitivity assessment on continental and national scale based on distribution patterns, biological traits, and relatedness |
2020 |
Berg et al. |
Science of The Total Environment |
taxize |
Ragweed and sagebrush pollen can distinguish between vegetation types at broad spatial scales |
2020 |
Carroll et al. |
Ecosphere |
neotoma |
The SLC Family Are Candidate Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma |
2020 |
Kang et al. |
BioMed Research International |
UCSCXenaTools |
Multi-dimensional machine learning approaches for fruit shape phenotyping in strawberry |
2020 |
Feldmann et al. |
GigaScience |
magick |
The social management of complex uncertainty: Central Bank similarity and crisis liquidity swaps at the Federal Reserve |
2020 |
Marple |
The Review of International Organizations |
textreuse |
The genetic basis of animal behavioural diversity in natural populations |
2020 |
Bubac et al. |
Molecular Ecology |
rotl |
Omics-wide quantitative B-cell infiltration analyses identify GPR18 for human cancer prognosis with superiority over CD20 |
2020 |
Liu et al. |
Communications Biology |
UCSCXenaTools |
Model State Legislation and Intergovernmental Tensions over the Affordable Care Act, Common Core, and the Second Amendment |
2020 |
Callaghan et al. |
Publius: The Journal of Federalism |
textreuse |
Evaluation of plant sources for antiinfective lead compound discovery by correlating phylogenetic, spatial, and bioactivity data |
2020 |
Holzmeyer et al. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
geonames |
God Talk in a Digital Age: How Members of Congress Use Religious Language on Twitter |
2020 |
Bramlett & Burge |
Politics and Religion |
rtweet |
Measuring Media Content Concentration at a Large Scale Using Automated Text Comparisons |
2020 |
Vogler et al. |
Journalism Studies |
textreuse |
Standartox: Standardizing Toxicity Data |
2020 |
Scharmüller et al. |
Data |
bib2df, plotly, rgbif, taxize, webchem |
Factors affecting urban electricity consumption: a case study in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area using an integrated approach of earth observation data and data analysis |
2020 |
Nguyen et al. |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
MODIStsp |
mmaqshiny v1.0: R-Shiny package to explore Air-Quality Mobile-Monitoring data |
2020 |
Upadhya et al. |
Journal of Open Source Software |
rtimicropem |
[Twitter and Census Data Analytics to Explore Socioeconomic Factors for Post-COVID-19 Reopening Sentiment Twitter and Census Data Analytics to Explore Socioeconomic Factors for Post-COVID-19 Reopening Sentiment] |
2020 |
Rahman et al. |
arXiv |
rtweet |
Use of random forest analysis to quantify the importance of the structural characteristics of beta-glucans for prebiotic development |
2020 |
Lam et al. |
Food Hydrocolloids |
skimr |
A high-quality genetic reference database for European commercial fishes reveals substitution fraud of processed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and common sole (Solea solea) at different steps in the Belgian supply chain |
2020 |
Deconinck et al. |
Food and Chemical Toxicology |
rnaturalearth |
Specific leaf area is a potential indicator of tree species sensitive to future climate change in the mixed Subtropical Forests of southern Brazil |
2020 |
Bohora Schlickmann et al. |
Ecological Indicators |
rgbif |
Group segmentation and heterogeneity in the choice of cooking fuels in post-earthquake Nepal |
2020 |
Shrestha & Shrestha |
arXiv |
geojsonio |
Identifying Suspect Bat Reservoirs of Emerging Infections |
2020 |
Crowley et al. |
Vaccines |
rotl, taxize |
Checklist of the vascular flora of the Sunda-Sahul Convergence Zone |
2020 |
Joyce et al. |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
rgbif |
Urban aliens and threatened near-naturals: Land-cover affects the species richness of alien- and threatened species in an urban-rural setting |
2020 |
Petersen et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rgbif |
Increased above‐ground resource allocation is a likely precursor for independent evolutionary origins of annuality in the Pooideae grass subfamily |
2020 |
Lindberg et al. |
New Phytologist |
rgbif |
Species better track climate warming in the oceans than on land |
2020 |
Lenoir et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
taxize, rgbif |
Follicular extracellular vesicles enhance meiotic resumption of domestic cat vitrified oocytes |
2020 |
De Almeida Monteiro Melo Ferraz et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rentrez |
A decade of movement ecology |
2020 |
Joo et al. |
arXiv |
fulltext |
Climate and competition influence sockeye salmon population dynamics across the Northeast Pacific Ocean |
2020 |
Connors et al. |
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
rnaturalearth |
Sans forgetica is not desirable for learning |
2020 |
Geller et al. |
Center for Open Science |
hunspell |
Bioeconomy futures: Expectation patterns of scientists and practitioners on the sustainability of bio‐based transformation |
2020 |
Biber‐Freudenberger et al. |
Sustainable Development |
magick |
Trophic innovations fuel reef fish diversification |
2020 |
Siqueira et al. |
Nature Communications |
rfishbase |
Sustainable and resilient strategies for touristic cities against COVID-19 |
2020 |
D'Orazio et al. |
arXiv |
nlrx |
A guide to using the Internet to monitor and quantify the wildlife trade |
2020 |
Stringham et al. |
EcoEvoRxiv |
RSelenium, taxize |
Sos Venezuela: an analysis of the anti-Maduro protest movements using Twitter |
2020 |
Morselli et al. |
Social Movement Studies |
hunspell |
Growing Influence of University PR on Science News Coverage? A Longitudinal Automated Content Analysis of University Media Releases and Newspaper Coverage in Switzerland, 2003‒2017 |
2020 |
Vogler & Schäfer |
International Journal of Communication |
textreuse |
webchem: An R Package to Retrieve Chemical Information from the Web |
2020 |
Szöcs et al. |
Journal of Statistical Software |
taxize |
An experimental test of the capacity for long-distance dispersal of freshwater diatoms adhering to waterfowl plumage |
2020 |
Manning et al. |
Center for Open Science |
rdryad |
The Topics-scape of the Pandemic Crisis: The Italian Sentiment on Political Leaders |
2020 |
Greco & La Rocca |
Culture e Studi del Sociale |
rtweet |
Could climate trends disrupt the contact rates between Ixodes ricinus (Acari, Ixodidae) and the reservoirs of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l.? |
2020 |
Fernández-Ruiz & Estrada-Peña |
MODIStsp |
Climate, and not fire, drives the phylogenetic clustering of species with hard-coated seeds in Mediterranean Basin communities |
2020 |
Santana et al. |
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics |
brranching |
Climate niche mismatch and the collapse of primate seed dispersal services in the Amazon |
2020 |
Sales et al. |
Biological Conservation |
spocc |
Focus and social contagion of environmental organization advocacy on Twitter |
2020 |
Barrios‐O’Neill |
Conservation Biology |
rtweet |
Biogeography and ecological niche evolution in Diapensiaceae inferred from phylogenetic analysis |
2020 |
Gaynor et al. |
Journal of Systematics and Evolution |
spocc, CoordinateCleaner |
Optimal MODIS data processing for accurate multi-year paddy rice area mapping in China |
2020 |
Liu et al. |
GIScience & Remote Sensing |
MODIStsp |
A community approach to the Neotropical ticks-hosts interactions |
2020 |
Estrada-Peña et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rotl |
Multivariate Functional Singular Spectrum Analysis Over Different Dimensional Domains |
2020 |
Trinka et al. |
arXiv |
MODISTools |
Extraction on Paper Activity: An Active Learning Technique to Facilitate Student Understanding of Liquid–Liquid Extraction |
2020 |
McKnelly et al. |
Journal of Chemical Education |
skimr |
Morphologically similar but not closely related: the long-spored species of Subulicystidium (Trechisporales, Basidiomycota |
2020 |
Ordynets et al. |
Mycological Progress |
treeio |
Independent and dependent possessive person forms |
2020 |
Ye |
Studies in Language |
lingtypology |
Dietary generalism accelerates arrival and persistence of coral‐reef fishes in their novel ranges under climate change |
2020 |
Monaco et al. |
Global Change Biology |
taxize, rfishbase |
Climate drivers of plague epidemiology in British India, 1898–1949 |
2020 |
Tennant et al. |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
tesseract |
Pan-Arctic analysis of cultural ecosystem services using social media and automated content analysis |
2020 |
Runge et al. |
Environmental Research Communications |
rnaturalearth |
Movement of St. Louis encephalitis virus in the Western United States, 2014- 2018 |
2020 |
Swetnam et al. |
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases |
rnaturalearth |
The impact of COVID-19 and strategies for mitigation and suppression in low- and middle-income countries |
2020 |
Walker et al. |
Science |
rdhs |
Words ranking and Hirsch index for identifying the core of the hapaxes in political texts |
2020 |
Ficcadenti et al. |
Journal of Informetrics |
hunspell |
Forty-four years of global trade in CITES-listed snakes: Trends and implications for conservation and public health |
2020 |
Hierink et al. |
Biological Conservation |
rcites, citesdb |
Insights into high mobility group A (HMGA) proteins from Poaceae family: An in silico approach for studying homologs |
2020 |
Pal Negi et al. |
Computational Biology and Chemistry |
taxize |
Co-occurrence networks of Twitter content after manual or automatic processing. A case-study on “gluten-free |
2020 |
Puerta et al. |
Food Quality and Preference |
rtweet |
Gray wolf habitat use in response to visitor activity along roadways in Yellowstone National Park |
2020 |
Anton et al. |
Ecosphere |
MODIStsp |
Climate warming moderates the impacts of introduced sportfish on multiple dimensions of prey biodiversity |
2020 |
Loewen et al. |
Global Change Biology |
taxize |
Flight to Safety: 2020 Democratic Primary Election Results and COVID-19 |
2020 |
Bisbee & Honig |
Covid Economics |
RSelenium |
Occupancy‐derived thermal affinities reflect known physiological thermal limits of marine species |
2020 |
Webb et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
worrms |
Changes in taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the Anthropocene |
2020 |
Li et al. |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
taxize |
The internationalization of European financial networks: a quantitative text analysis of EU consultation responses |
2020 |
James et al. |
Review of International Political Economy |
textreuse |
LTRpred: de novo annotation of intact retrotransposons |
2020 |
Drost |
Journal of Open Source Software |
biomartr |
Long-term monitoring of the Iberian ibex population in the Sierra Nevada of the southeast Iberian Peninsula |
2020 |
Granados et al. |
Scientific Data |
finch |
Areas of endemism on Brazilian mountaintops revealed by taxonomically verified records of Microlicieae (Melastomataceae |
2020 |
Pacifico et al. |
Phytotaxa |
CoordinateCleaner |
Preceding Fall Drought Conditions and Overwinter Precipitation Effects on Spring Wildland Fire Activity in Canada |
2020 |
Hanes et al. |
Fire |
weathercan |
Structure-Based Identification and Functional Characterization of a Lipocalin in the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum |
2020 |
Burda et al. |
Cell Reports |
rotl |
Locked in Syndrome Machine Learning Classification using Sentence Comprehension EEG Data |
2020 |
Corput |
arXiv |
osfr |
A geospatial infodemic: Mapping Twitter conspiracy theories of COVID-19 |
2020 |
Stephens |
Dialogues in Human Geography |
rtweet |
Elusive consensus: Polarization in elite communication on the COVID-19 pandemic |
2020 |
Green et al. |
Science Advances |
rtweet |
Investigate the sensitivity of the satellite-based agricultural drought indices to monitor the drought condition of paddy and introduction to enhanced multi-temporal agricultural drought indices |
2020 |
Jayawardhana & Chathurange |
J Remote Sens GIS |
MODIStsp |
Forecasting Brazilian and American COVID-19 cases based on artificial intelligence coupled with climatic exogenous variables |
2020 |
Da Silva et al. |
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals |
rnoaa |
The R Language as a Tool for Biometeorological Research |
2020 |
Charalampopoulos |
Atmosphere |
rnoaa, rWBclimate, nasapower |
Integrated pharmaco-proteogenomics defines two subgroups in isocitrate dehydrogenase wild-type glioblastoma with prognostic and therapeutic opportunities |
2020 |
Oh et al. |
Nature Communications |
rentrez |
Recent accelerated diversification in rosids occurred outside the tropics |
2020 |
Sun et al. |
Nature Communications |
rgbif |
Foraging habitat determines predator–prey size relationships in marine fishes |
2020 |
Griffiths |
Journal of Fish Biology |
rfishbase |
Chloroplast DNA analysis of the invasive weed, Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera), in the British Isles |
2020 |
Kurose et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rnaturalearth |
Natural variations in brain morphology do not account for inter-individual differences in defensive responding during fear acquisition training and extinction |
2020 |
Ehlers et al. |
PsyArXiv |
writexl |
MARES, a replicable pipeline and curated reference database for marine eukaryote metabarcoding |
2020 |
Arranz et al. |
Scientific Data |
bold, taxize |
Evolution of Statistical Software and Quantitative Methods |
2020 |
LeBeau & Aloe |
The University of Iowa |
bib2df |
Transfer learning of regression models from a sequence of datasets by penalized estimation |
2020 |
Wieringen & Binder |
arXiv |
fingertipsR |
Native distribution characteristics rather than functional traits explain preadaptation of invasive species to high‐UV‐B environments |
2020 |
Hock et al. |
Diversity and Distributions |
rgbif |
Global biogeography of marine dispersal potential |
2020 |
Álvarez-Noriega et al. |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
rotl |
GAB2 and GAB3 are expressed in a tumor stage-, grade- and histotype-dependent manner and are associated with shorter progression-free survival in ovarian cancer |
2020 |
Berkel & Cacan |
Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling |
pdftools, magick |
Meteorological normalisation of PM10 using machine learning reveals distinct increases of nearby source emissions in the Australian mining town of Moranbah |
2020 |
Mallet |
Atmospheric Pollution Research |
bomrang |
Web Scraping in the Statistics and Data Science Curriculum: Challenges and Opportunities |
2020 |
Dogucu & Çetinkaya-Rundel |
Journal of Statistics Education |
rtweet, robotstxt |
NEPA and National Trends in Federal Infrastructure Siting in the United States |
2020 |
Scott et al. |
Review of Policy Research |
pdftools, tokenizers |
Insect occurrence in agricultural land‐uses depends on realized niche and geographic range properties |
2020 |
Waldock et al. |
Ecography |
CoordinateCleaner |
Nonlinear kernels, dominance, and envirotyping data increase the accuracy of genome-based prediction in multi-environment trials |
2020 |
Costa-Neto et al. |
Heredity |
nasapower |
covid19. analytics: An R Package to Obtain, Analyze and Visualize Data from the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic |
2020 |
Ponce & Sandhel |
arXiv |
rentrez |
Predicting egg size across temperatures in marine teleost fishes |
2020 |
Anderson & Gillooly |
Fish and Fisheries |
rfishbase |
Key factors driving obesity in the UK |
2020 |
Stevens et al. |
fingertipsR |
The potential current distribution of the coypu (Myocastor coypus) in Europe and climate change induced shifts in the near future |
2020 |
Schertler et al. |
NeoBiota |
rgbif |
Gender, seniority, and self-citation practices in political science |
2020 |
Dion et al. |
Scientometrics |
rcrossref |
RNA sequencing identifies transcriptional changes in the rabbit larynx in response to low humidity challenge |
2020 |
Bailey et al. |
Research Square |
biomartr |
dfoliatR: An R package for detection and analysis of insect defoliation signals in tree rings |
2020 |
Guiterman et al. |
Dendrochronologia |
MtreeRing |
Identifying and Controlling for Variation in Canid Harvest Data |
2020 |
Bauder et al. |
The Journal of Wildlife Management |
rnoaa |
A Fresh Look at Introductory Data Science |
2020 |
Çetinkaya-Rundel & Ellison |
Journal of Statistics Education |
gutenbergr |
Assessment of species gaps in DNA barcode libraries of non-indigenous species (NIS) occurring in European coastal regions |
2020 |
Duarte et al. |
Metabarcoding and Metagenomics |
rentrez |
Optimal sampling design for spatial capture-recapture |
2020 |
Dupont et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
Small Area Estimation for Crime Analysis |
2020 |
Buil-Gil |
Center for Open Science |
essurvey |
Ibuprofen Narratives in Five European Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
2020 |
Xaudiera & Cardenal |
Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review |
rtweet |
From advocacy to acceptance: Social media discussions of protected bike lane installations |
2020 |
Ferster et al. |
Urban Studies |
rtweet |
The Parkinson’s Disease Genome‐Wide Association Study Locus Browser. Movement Disorders |
2020 |
Grenn et al. |
Movement Disorders |
rentrez |
Raccoon Pelt Price and Trapper Harvest Relationships Are Temporally Inconsistent |
2020 |
Bauder et al. |
The Journal of Wildlife Management |
rnoaa |
Living with floating vegetation invasions |
2020 |
Kleinschroth et al. |
Ambio |
rnoaa |
Voting and Social Media-Based Political Participation |
2020 |
Göbel |
Center for Open Science |
RSelenium |
Achieving sustainable exploitation through co-management in three Chilean small-scale fisheries |
2020 |
Roa-Ureta et al. |
Fisheries Research |
pdftools |
Temperature and salinity, not acidification, predict near-future larval growth and larval habitat suitability of Olympia oysters in the Salish Sea |
2020 |
Lawlor & Arellano |
Scientific Reports |
rnaturalearth |
A field comes of age: tracking research on the internet within communication studies |
2020 |
Puschmann & Pentzold |
Internet Histories |
rcrossref |
A spatial-temporal approach to modeling somatic growth across inland recreational fisheries landscapes |
2020 |
Cahill et al. |
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
rnaturalearth |
Evaluating shortfalls and spatial accuracy of biodiversity documentation in the Atlantic Forest, the most diverse and threatened Brazilian phytogeographic domain |
2020 |
Colli‐Silva et al. |
CoordinateCleaner |
Integrative transcriptomics reveals genotypic impact on sugar beet storability |
2020 |
Madritsch et al. |
Plant Molecular Biology |
rentrez |
What You Can Scrape and What Is Right to Scrape: A Proposal for a Tool to Collect Public Facebook Data |
2020 |
Mancosu & Vegetti |
Social Media + Society |
RSelenium |
Space-Time Smoothing of Demographic and Health Indicators using the R Package SUMMER |
2020 |
Li et al. |
arXiv |
rdhs |
PlatCOVID: A Novel Web Tool to Analyze, Curate and Share COVID-19 Literature |
2020 |
Brandão et al. |
Research Square |
rentrez |
Do key innovations unlock diversification? A case-study on the morphological and ecological impact of pharyngognathy in acanthomorph fishes |
2020 |
Larouche et al. |
Current Zoology |
rfishbase |
An Analysis of US State Regulated Weed Lists: A Discordance between Biology and Policy |
2020 |
Lakoba et al. |
BioScience |
rbison |
Measuring the long-term success of small-scale marine protected areas in a Philippine reef fishery |
2020 |
Bayley et al. |
Coral Reefs |
rfishbase |
Environmental DNA allows upscaling spatial patterns of biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems |
2020 |
Carraro et al. |
Nature Communications |
rentrez, taxize |
Relaxation of purifying selection suggests low effective population size in eusocial Hymenoptera and solitary pollinating bees |
2020 |
Weyna & Romiguier |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rgbif |
Adaptation and coordinated evolution of plant hydraulic traits |
2020 |
Sanchez‐Martinez et al. |
Ecology Letters |
CoordinateCleaner, rgbif |
Quantifying shifts in topic popularity over 44 years of Austral Ecology |
2020 |
Westgate et al. |
Austral Ecology |
pdftools |
Gluten intake and metabolic health: conflicting findings from the UK Biobank |
2020 |
Behrendt et al. |
European Journal of Nutrition |
skimr |
Impacts of Global Climate Change on Duration of Logging Season in Siberian Boreal Forests |
2020 |
Chugunkova & Pyzhev |
Forests |
rnaturalearth |
Multiple waves of freshwater colonization of the three-spined stickleback in the Japanese Archipelago |
2020 |
Kakioka et al. |
Research Square |
rnaturalearth |
Principles and Algorithms for Forecasting Groups of Time Series: Locality and Globality |
2020 |
Montero-Manso & Hyndman |
arXiv |
bomrang |
The AirSensor open-source R-package and DataViewer web application for interpreting community data collected by low-cost sensor networks |
2020 |
Feenstra et al. |
Environmental Modelling & Software |
ropenaq |
Integrating Life Cycle and Impact Assessments to Map Food’s Cumulative Environmental Footprint |
2020 |
Kuempel et al. |
One Earth |
The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on food priorities. Results from a preliminary study using social media and an online survey with Spanish consumers |
2020 |
Laguna et al. |
Food Quality and Preference |
rtweet |
Central Role for Adipocyte Na,K-ATPase Oxidant Amplification Loop in the Pathogenesis of Experimental Uremic Cardiomyopathy |
2020 |
Sodhi et al. |
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology |
magick |
Spatio-temporal estimation of the daily cases of COVID-19 in worldwide using random forest machine learning algorithm |
2020 |
Yeşilkanat |
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals |
rnaturalearth |
How traders influence their neighbours: Modelling social evolutionary processes and peer effects in agricultural trade networks |
2020 |
Kopp & Salecker |
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control |
nlrx |
Self-efficacy, mental models and team adaptation: A first approach on football and futsal refereeing |
2021 |
Aragão et al. |
Psychology of Sport and Exercise |
skimr |
The biogeography of the megadiverse genus Anthurium (Araceae |
2020 |
Reimuth & Zotz |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
CoordinateCleaner |
Bats as putative Zaire ebolavirus reservoir hosts and their habitat suitability in Africa |
2020 |
Koch et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rgbif |
Reef-associated fishes have more maneuverable body shapes at a macroevolutionary scale |
2020 |
Larouche et al. |
Coral Reefs |
rfishbase |
Conservation Gaps in Traditional Vegetables Native to Europe and Fennoscandia |
2020 |
De Sousa & Solberg |
Agriculture |
rgbif |
Identifying hotspots of invasive alien terrestrial vertebrates in Europe to assist transboundary prevention and control |
2020 |
Polaina et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rgbif, CoordinateCleaner |
R: A Language for Data Analysis and Graphics |
1996 |
Ihaka & Gentleman |
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics |
rentrez |
Habitat suitability models for the imperiled wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) raise concerns for the species’ persistence under future climate change |
2020 |
Mothes et al. |
Global Ecology and Conservation |
CoordinateCleaner |
Peanut FAD2 Genotype and Growing Location Interactions Significantly Affect the Level of Oleic Acid in Seeds |
2020 |
Tonnis et al. |
Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society |
rnoaa |
2020 |
Da Silva Abel et al. |
Environment, Development and Sustainability |
MODIStsp |
Estimating Rainfall Erosivity from Daily Precipitation Using Generalized Additive Models |
2020 |
Vantas et al. |
Environmental Sciences Proceedings |
hydroscoper |
Continuous expansion of the geographic range linked to realized niche expansion in the invasive Mourning gecko Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril & Bibron, 1836 |
2020 |
Nania et al. |
CoordinateCleaner |
The relationship between trophic level and body size in fishes depends on functional traits |
2020 |
Keppeler et al. |
Ecological Monographs |
rfishbase |
Unintended Consequences of Welfare Reform: Evidence from Birth Outcomes of Aboriginal Australians |
2020 |
Doyle et al. |
bomrang |
Exploring social media data to understand consumers’ perception of eggs: A multilingual study using Twitter |
2020 |
Sass et al. |
Journal of Sensory Studies |
rtweet |
A meta-analysis of factors influencing the strength of mate-choice copying in animals |
2020 |
Davies et al. |
Behavioral Ecology |
rotl |
The macroecology and evolution of avian competence for Borrelia burgdorferi |
2020 |
Becker & Han |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rredlist |
Simultaneously operating threats cannot predict extinction risk |
2020 |
Greenville et al. |
Conservation Letters |
rredlist |
Mammals of Paso Centurión, an area with relicts of Atlantic Forest in Uruguay |
2020 |
Grattarola & Rodríguez-Tricot |
Neotropical Biology and Conservation |
taxize |
Hi-C pipeline development for linking resistome and mobilome to the microbiome of wastewater samples |
2020 |
Calderón Franco |
taxize |
Complexity, Resources, and Text Borrowing in State Legislatures |
2020 |
Hansen & Jansa |
textreuse |
Landscape Analysis for the Specimen Data Refinery |
2020 |
Walton et al. |
Research Ideas and Outcomes |
taxize |
The Global Urban Tree Inventory: A database of the diverse tree flora that inhabits the world’s cities |
2020 |
Ossola et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
taxize |
Herbivores at the highest risk of extinction among mammals, birds, and reptiles |
2020 |
Atwood et al. |
Science Advances |
taxize |
Travel flow aggregation: Nationally scalable methods for interactive and online visualisation of transport behaviour at the road network level |
2020 |
Morgan & Lovelace |
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science |
stplanr |
Twentieth-century emergence of antimicrobial resistant human- and bovine-associated Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium lineages in New York State |
2020 |
Carroll et al. |
Scientific Reports |
treeio |
[Inference of Nipah virus Evolution Virus Evolution] |
2020 |
Whitmer et al. |
Virus Evolution |
treeio |
Fungi, bacteria and oomycota opportunistically isolated from the seagrass, Zostera marina |
2020 |
Ettinger & Eisen |
treeio |
Dark and bright patterns in cookie consent requests |
2020 |
Grassl et al. |
Center for Open Science |
tokenizers |
Dynamic Courtship Signals and Mate Preferences in Sepia plangon |
2020 |
López Galán et al. |
Frontiers in Physiology |
tokenizers |
PlatCOVID: A Novel Web Tool to Analyze, Curate and Share COVID-19 Literature |
2020 |
Brandão et al. |
Research Square |
tokenizers |
UCSCXenaShiny: An R Package for Exploring and Analyzing UCSC Xena Public Datasets in Web Browser |
2020 |
Wang et al. |
UCSCXenaTools |
Expanding the Measurement of Culture with a Sample of Two Billion Humans |
2020 |
Obradovich et al. |
National Bureau of Economic Research |
rnaturalearth |
Fenología de los ecosistemas de alta montaña en Andalucía: Análisis de la tendencia estacional del SAVI (2000-2019 |
2020 |
Gutiérrez-Hernández |
Pirineos |
MODIStsp |
The geography of publishing in the Anthropocene |
2020 |
Hazlett et al. |
Conservation Science and Practice |
refsplitr |
Protect or perish: Quantitative analysis of state‐level species protection supports preservation of the Endangered Species Act |
2020 |
Mothes et al. |
Conservation Letters |
rredlist, natserv |
An open-access occurrence database for Andean bears in Peru |
2020 |
Falconi et al. |
Ursus |
rgbif |
Lists of Chemical Warfare Agents and Precursors from International Nonproliferation Frameworks: Structural Annotation and Chemical Fingerprint Analysis |
2020 |
Costanzi et al. |
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling |
webchem |
Botryosphaeriaceae species on forest trees in Portugal: diversity, distribution and pathogenicity |
2020 |
Batista et al. |
European Journal of Plant Pathology |
rentrez |
Keystone predators govern the pathway and pace of climate impacts in a subarctic marine ecosystem |
2020 |
Rasher et al. |
Science |
rnoaa |
Diversity of monogeneans and tapeworms in cypriniform fishes across two continents |
2020 |
Kuchta et al. |
International Journal for Parasitology |
rotl |
High silicon concentrations in grasses are linked to environmental conditions and not associated with C4 photosynthesis |
2020 |
Brightly et al. |
Global Change Biology |
rgbif, CoordinateCleaner |
SAPHIR: a Shiny application to analyze tissue section images |
2020 |
Germani et al. |
F1000Research |
ijtiff |
Spatial Fingerprint of Younger Dryas Cooling and Warming in Eastern North America |
2020 |
Fastovich et al. |
Geophysical Research Letters |
neotoma |
Passive acoustic listening stations (PALS) show rapid onset of ecological effects of harmful algal blooms in real time |
2020 |
Rycyk et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rnaturalearth |
Exploring aflatoxin contamination and household-level exposure risk in diverse Indian food systems |
2020 |
Wenndt et al. |
rnaturalearth |
Biocontrol of aflatoxin in corn by inoculation with non-aflatoxigenicAspergillus flavusisolates |
2006 |
Abbas et al. |
Biocontrol Science and Technology |
rnaturalearth |
Upwelling-induced trace gas dynamics in the Baltic Sea inferred from 8 years of autonomous measurements on a ship of opportunity |
2020 |
Jacobs et al. |
Copernicus GmbH |
rnaturalearth |
A new patient registry for Chagas disease |
2020 |
Hotez et al. |
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases |
rnaturalearth |
A computer vision approach to assess wood variability from whole-disk images of longleaf pine |
2020 |
Raut |
rnaturalearth |
A spatiotemporal comparison of length-at-age in the coral reef fish Acanthurus nigrofuscus between marine reserves and fished reefs |
2020 |
Cramer et al. |
rnaturalearth |
Evaluating the transferability of empirical models of debris-covered glacier melt |
2020 |
Winter-Billington et al. |
Journal of Glaciology |
rnaturalearth |
Data-driven inference of unknown tilt and azimuth of distributed PV systems |
2020 |
Meng et al. |
Solar Energy |
camsRad |
Weak phylogenetic and climatic signals in plant heat tolerance |
2020 |
Perez & Feeley |
Journal of Biogeography |
brranching, phylocomr |
Thousands of reptile species threatened by under-regulated global trade |
2020 |
Marshall et al. |
Nature Communications |
pdftools |
A global test of Allen’s rule in rodents |
2020 |
Alhajeri et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
rredlist |
Non-additive genetic effects induce novel phenotypic distributions in male mating traits of F1 hybrids |
2020 |
Atsumi et al. |
EcoEvoRxiv |
rotl |
Global gaps in trait data for terrestrial vertebrates |
2020 |
Etard et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
rredlist, taxize |
Evolutionary dynamics in the Anthropocene: Life history and intensity of human contact shape antipredator responses |
2020 |
Geffroy et al. |
PLOS Biology |
rotl |
Functional and phylogenetic diversity promote litter decomposition across terrestrial ecosystems |
2020 |
Xiao et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
rotl |
Trait‐based ecology at large scales: Assessing functional trait correlations, phylogenetic constraints and spatial variability using open data |
2020 |
Wilkes et al. |
Global Change Biology |
rotl, bold |
The Open-Access Availability of Criminological Research to Practitioners and Policy Makers |
2020 |
Ashby |
Journal of Criminal Justice Education |
roadoi, rromeo |
Comparison of Atmospheric Fungal Spore Concentrations between Two Main Cities in the Caribbean Basin |
2020 |
Rivera-Mariani et al. |
Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal |
rnoaa |
Challenging a Global Land Surface Model in a Local Socio-Environmental System |
2020 |
Dahlin et al. |
Land |
rnoaa |
Climatic niche predicts the landscape structure of locally adaptive standing genetic variation |
2019 |
Chhatre et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
rnoaa |
[Advancing frost dates have reduced frost risk among most North American angiosperms since Global Change Biology] |
2020 |
Park et al. |
Global Change Biology |
rnoaa |
Mismatched spatial scales can limit the utility of citizen science data for estimating wildlife‐habitat relationships |
2020 |
Bauder et al. |
Ecological Research |
rnoaa |
Successful breeding predicts divorce in plovers |
2020 |
Halimubieke et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rnoaa, GSODR |
Habitat use across multiple scales suggests resilience to rising seas for endangered island endemic compared to sympatric invasive species |
2020 |
Taillie et al. |
Animal Conservation |
rnoaa |
Random forest classification to determine environmental drivers and forecast paralytic shellfish toxins in Southeast Alaska with high temporal resolution |
2020 |
Harley et al. |
Harmful Algae |
rnoaa |
Pollen-based climate reconstruction techniques for late Quaternary studies |
2020 |
Chevalier et al. |
Earth-Science Reviews |
neotoma |
The impacts of climate change on fish growth: A summary of conducted studies and current knowledge |
2021 |
Huang et al. |
Ecological Indicators |
brranching, rfishbase |
Biogeographic parallels in thermal tolerance and gene expression variation under temperature stress in a widespread bumble bee |
2020 |
Pimsler et al. |
Scientific Reports |
biomartr |
Graph-based exploitation of gene ontology using GOxploreR for scrutinizing biological significance |
2020 |
Manjang et al. |
Scientific Reports |
biomartr |
On the design, implementation, and use of laziness in R |
2019 |
Goel & Vitek |
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages |
assertr |
Single-Nucleus RNA-Seq Is Not Suitable for Detection of Microglial Activation Genes in Humans |
2020 |
Thrupp et al. |
Cell Reports |
biomartr |
Does Interviewers’ Age Affect Their Assessment of Respondents’ Understanding of Survey Questions? Evidence From the European Social Survey |
2020 |
Życzyńska-Ciołek & Kołczyńska |
International Journal of Public Opinion Research |
essurvey |
Reptiles on the wrong track? Moving beyond traditional estimators with dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Models |
2020 |
Silva et al. |
Movement Ecology |
Analysing point patterns on networks — A review |
2020 |
Baddeley et al. |
Spatial Statistics |
osmdata, stplanr |
Normative Discrimination and the Motherhood Penalty |
2010 |
Benard & Correll |
Gender & Society |
rcrossref |
dietr: an R package for calculating fractional trophic levels from quantitative and qualitative diet data |
2020 |
Borstein |
Hydrobiologia |
rfishbase |
Global analysis of fish growth rates shows weaker responses to temperature than metabolic predictions |
2020 |
Denderen et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
rfishbase |
Standardized data to support conservation prioritization for sharks and batoids (Elasmobranchii |
2020 |
Oegelund Nielsen et al. |
Data in Brief |
rfishbase, taxize |
The interacting effect of habitat amount, habitat diversity and fragmentation on insect diversity along elevational gradients |
2020 |
Dianzinga et al. |
Journal of Biogeography |
rgbif |
Fisheries-induced selection against schooling behaviour in marine fishes |
2020 |
Guerra et al. |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
rfishbase |
Linking dimensions of data on global marine animal diversity |
2020 |
Webb & Vanhoorne |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
rfishbase, worrms |
Individual back-calculated size-at-age based on otoliths from Pacific coral reef fish species |
2020 |
Morat et al. |
Scientific Data |
rfishbase |
Biodiversidata: A novel dataset for the vascular plant species diversity in Uruguay |
2020 |
Grattarola et al. |
Biodiversity Data Journal |
taxize, rgbif, geonames |
Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities |
2020 |
Whalen et al. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
rfishbase |
Disentangling the influence of geographical laws and sampling biais to model distribution of Birch tree from Open-acess Biodiversity Dataset (OBDs) in Swedish Lapland |
2020 |
Courault et al. |
rgbif |
The transboundary nature of the world’s exploited marine species |
2020 |
Palacios-Abrantes et al. |
Scientific Reports |
rfishbase |
Predictive ability of a process‐based versus a correlative species distribution model |
2020 |
Higgins et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
rgbif |
The fossil record of extant elasmobranchs |
2020 |
Paillard et al. |
Journal of Fish Biology |
rfishbase |
A data-driven evaluation of lichen climate change indicators in Central Europe |
2020 |
Nelsen & Lumbsch |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
rgbif |
A simple graph theoretic method provides accurate range area estimates |
2020 |
Alroy |
Authorea Preprints |
rgbif |
Effectiveness of portable HEPA air cleaners on reducing indoor PM2.5 and NH3 in an agricultural cohort of children with asthma: A randomized intervention trial |
2020 |
Riederer et al. |
Indoor Air |
rtimicropem |
Distributional records of Ross Sea (Antarctica) planktic Copepoda from bibliographic data and samples curated at the Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA): checklist of species collected in the Ross Sea sector from 1987 to 1995 |
2020 |
Bonello et al. |
ZooKeys |
spocc |
PSA Kinetics as Prognostic Markers of Overall Survival in Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Treated with Abiraterone Acetate |
2020 |
España et al. |
Cancer Management and Research |
skimr |
Observer‐oriented approach improves species distribution models from citizen science data |
2020 |
Milanesi et al. |
Ecology and Evolution |
spocc, rinat |
High individual pain variability in people living with HIV: A graphical analysis |
2020 |
Wadley et al. |
European Journal of Pain |
skimr |
High cryptic diversity in the kleptoparasitic genus Hyalorisia Dall, 1889 (Littorinimorpha: Capulidae) with the description of nine new species from the Indo-West Pacific |
2020 |
Fassio et al. |
Journal of Molluscan Studies |
mapr, spocc |
Range edges of North American marine species are tracking temperature over decades |
2020 |
Fredston et al. |
Authorea Preprints |
taxize |
Tradeoffs with growth limit host range in complex life cycle helminths |
2020 |
Benesh et al. |
The American Naturalist |
taxize |
Progress in the R ecosystem for representing and handling spatial data |
2020 |
Bivand |
Journal of Geographical Systems |
stplanr |
Global distribution and conservation status of ecologically rare mammal and bird species |
2020 |
Loiseau et al. |
Nature Communications |
taxize |
Comparing metabarcoding and morphological approaches to identify phytoplankton taxa associated with harmful algal blooms |
2020 |
Esenkulova et al. |
taxize |
Global root traits (GRooT) database |
2020 |
Guerrero‐Ramírez et al. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
taxize |
Fine-scale tundra vegetation patterns are strongly related to winter thermal conditions |
2020 |
Niittynen et al. |
Nature Climate Change |
taxize |
The problem and promise of scale in multilayer animal social networks |
2020 |
Robitaille et al. |
Current Zoology |
spatsoc, grainchanger |
Quantification of colorimetric isothermal amplification on the smartphone and its open-source app for point-of-care pathogen detection |
2020 |
Nguyen et al. |
Scientific Reports |
colocr |
DTI-SNNFRA: Drug-Target interaction prediction by shared nearest neighbors and fuzzy-rough approximation |
2020 |
Islam et al. |
arXiv |
webchem |
Data Input and Output |
2020 |
Wiley & Wiley |
Beginning R |
writexl |
BnaSNPDB: An interactive web portal for the efficient retrieval and analysis of SNPs among 1,007 rapeseed accessions |
2020 |
Yan et al. |
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal |
writexl |
Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Voting Advice Applications |
2020 |
Munzert & Ramirez-Ruiz |
Center for Open Science |
writexl |
Assessing trends and predicting the cover management factor in a tropical island state using Enhanced Vegetation Index |
2020 |
Melville et al. |
SN Applied Sciences |
MODISTools |
2020 |
Pregla et al. |
Center for Open Science |
magick |
Conditioning Machine Learning Models to Adjust Lowbush Blueberry Crop Management to the Local Agroecosystem |
2020 |
Parent et al. |
Plants |
weathercan |
Whose Tweets on COVID-19 Gain the Most Attention: Celebrities, Political, or Scientific Authorities? Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking |
2020 |
Kamiński et al. |
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking |
rtweet |
A semi-automated organoid screening method demonstrates epigenetic control of intestinal epithelial differentiation |
2020 |
Ostrop et al. |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
magick |
Discovery and Validation of Urinary Molecular Signature of Early Sepsis |
2020 |
Bandyopadhyay et al. |
Critical Care Explorations |
rentrez |
Multispecies models reveal that eDNA metabarcoding is more sensitive than backpack electrofishing for conducting fish surveys in freshwater streams |
2020 |
McColl‐Gausden et al. |
Molecular Ecology |
rentrez |
Modelling the potential spread of Hyalomma marginatum ticks in Europe by migratory birds |
2020 |
Estrada-Peña et al. |
International Journal for Parasitology |
MODIStsp |
Fire regime in Southern Brazil driven by atmospheric variation and vegetation cover |
2020 |
De Andrade et al. |
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
MODIStsp |
Setting socially mediated engagement parameters: A topic modeling and text analytic approach to examining polarized discourses on Gillette’s campaign |
2020 |
Xu & Xiong |
Public Relations Review |
rtweet |
The demand for cycle sharing: Examining the links between weather conditions, air quality levels, and cycling demand for regular and casual users |
2020 |
Morton |
Journal of Transport Geography |
bikedata |
Describing and mapping diversity and accessibility of the urban food environment with open data and tools |
2020 |
Cervigni et al. |
Applied Geography |
osmdata |
The impacts of climate change on fish growth: A summary of conducted studies and current knowledge |
2021 |
Huang et al. |
Ecological Indicators |
rfishbase, brranching |
Parental Birth-Related PTSD Symptoms and Bonding in the Early Postpartum Period: A Prospective Population-Based Cohort Study |
2020 |
Stuijfzand et al. |
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
visdat |
Plant and fungal collections: Current status, future perspectives |
2020 |
Paton et al. |
CoordinateCleaner |
The impact of wildfire on biogeochemical fluxes and water quality on boreal catchments |
2020 |
Granath et al. |
Copernicus GmbH |
MODISTools |
Grapevine – Downy Mildew <em>Rendez-Vous</em>: Proteome Analysis of the First Hours of an Incompatible Interaction |
2020 |
Santos et al. |
rentrez |
Finding the bird’s wings: Dimensions of factional conflict on Twitter |
2020 |
Sältzer |
Party Politics |
rtweet |
Disproportionate extinction of South American mammals drove the asymmetry of the Great American Biotic Interchange |
2020 |
Carrillo et al. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
paleobioDB, CoordinateCleaner |
TreeSummarizedExperiment: a S4 class for data with hierarchical structure |
2020 |
Huang et al. |
F1000Research |
treeio |
Phylogenomic Analyses of Non-Dikarya Fungi Supports Horizontal Gene Transfer Driving Diversification of Secondary Metabolism in the Amphibian Gastrointestinal Symbiont, Basidiobolus |
2020 |
Tabima et al. |
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics |
rentrez |
The First 60 Days: American Public Health Agencies’ Social Media Strategies in the Emerging COVID-19 Pandemic |
2020 |
Sutton et al. |
Health Security |
rtweet |
A targeted phylogenetic approach helps explain New World functional diversity patterns of two eudicot lineages |
2020 |
Figueroa & Smith |
Journal of Biogeography |
treeio, CoordinateCleaner |
Automatic Tree Ring Detection using Jacobi Sets |
2020 |
Makela et al. |
arXiv |
MtreeRing |
Online Learning Communities in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Learning Network Analysis of Twitter during the Shutdown |
2020 |
Lemay & Doleck |
International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI |
rtweet |
Evaluation of Different Objective Functions Used in the SUFI-2 Calibration Process of SWAT-CUP on Water Balance Analysis: A Case Study of the Pursat River Basin, Cambodia |
2020 |
Sao et al. |
Water |
MODIStsp |
Gender Disparities in Authorships and Citations in Transplantation Research |
2020 |
Benjamens et al. |
Transplantation direct |
bib2df |
Aedes albopictus and Aedes flavopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) pre-imaginal abundance patterns are associated with different environmental factors along an altitudinal gradient |
2021 |
Chaves & Friberg |
Current Research in Insect Science |
MODIStsp |
On Construction and Estimation of Stationary Mixture Transition Distribution Models |
2020 |
Zheng et al. |
arXiv |
hddtools |
The Impact of Individual's Ecological Factors on the Dynamics of Alcohol Drinking among Arizona State University Students: An Application of the Survey Data-driven Agent-based Model |
2020 |
Azizi et al. |
arXiv |
nlrx |
Open Innovation in Digital Healthcare: Users’ Discrimination between Certified and Non-Certified mHealth Applications |
2020 |
Gessa et al. |
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity |
RSelenium |
High individual pain variability in people living with HIV: A graphical analysis |
2020 |
Wadley et al. |
Eur J Pain |
skimr |
Ecosystem service lens reveals diverse community values of small-scale fisheries |
2020 |
Pellowe & Leslie |
Ambio |
rnaturalearth |
A survey of biodiversity informatics: Concepts, practices, and challenges |
2020 |
Gadelha et al. |
WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
rgbif |
Projecting marine developmental diversity and connectivity in future oceans |
2020 |
Marshall & Alvarez-Noriega |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
rotl |
Gendered Tweets: Computational Text Analysis of Gender Differences in Political Discussion on Twitter |
2020 |
Hu & Kearney |
Journal of Language and Social Psychology |
rtweet |
Spatiotemporal effects of the causal factors on COVID-19 incidences in the contiguous United States |
2020 |
Maiti et al. |
arXiv |
ropenaq |
Temporal variability in production is not consistently affected by global change drivers across herbaceous-dominated ecosystems |
2020 |
Avolio et al. |
Oecologia |
rnoaa |
Improving Estimation of Seasonal Evapotranspiration in Australian Tropical Savannas using a Flexible Drought Index |
2020 |
Zhuang et al. |
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
MODISTools |
Hastichthys totonacus sp. nov., a North American Turonian dercetid fish (Teleostei, Aulopiformes) from the Huehuetla quarry, Puebla, Mexico |
2021 |
Alvarado-Ortega & Díaz-Cruz |
Journal of South American Earth Sciences |
phylogram, treeio |