rOpenSci | Talks


A searchable table of more or less recents talks given by rOpenSci team members or people representing rOpenSci.

Title Speaker Year Material Language
A guide to modern reproducible data science with R Karthik Ram 2019 en
A preview of Rtools 4.0 Jeroen Ooms 2019 en
Mejores paquetes de R, mejor ciencia Maëlle Salmon 2019 es
rOpenSci, revues de packages R par les pairs pour une meilleure science Maëlle Salmon 2019 fr
rOpenSci, peer review, statistical software, and testing Mark Padgham 2020 en
Peer-Reviewing R Code: Where We've Been and Where We're Going at rOpenSci Noam Ross 2020 en
staypuft: object validation and serialization & should this even be a package? Scott Chamberlain 2020 en
Revisar paquetes para una mejor ciencia Maëlle Salmon 2020 es
La travesía de taxlist en rOpenSci Miguel Alvarez 2020 es
Navigating open-source software - Ensuring you can rely on what you use Rebecca Killick 2020 en

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